Wednesday, November 21, 2012


White Supremacy is an Iron Yoke around EVERYBODY'S Neck! 
The results of the 2012 election are clear on one scale: that white supremacy was clearly visible in every aspect of the campaign in opposition to President Obama.  Led by the likes of Limbaugh and similar Fox News adherents, even the most willingly blind and deaf observers could not fail to see and hear what they paraded before the voters here -- and abroad!  Code words of every sort were employed to appeal to those voters who believe that a non-white President was "unqualified", "lazy", "not smart", ... the usual suspects in our language, used during our long, sordid, and evil history.  Given the percentages in the vote totals, just about every non-white element in our population "got" the message and roundly rejected it.
Be of good cheer!  The election results showed overwhelmingly that a majority of voters "get it", and want no more of it!  But NO! More than a dozen Rump Repoob members of the House of Representatives, who have nothing, whatever to do with confirming any Presidential appointee, have shifted the same fire to our current U.N. Ambassador.  They want to keep her from being nominated for Secretary of State.  Why, because she's female? No, we've had two of those before, and one presently.  Because she's black? No, but close, to the Repoobs, she's a "Rice not white enough" to lead our State Department; that bastion from which we dispense our version of white male supremacy to the planet.
From immigration policy, to peremptive invasions, our Department of State -- a government agency that has been a deep mystery to the citizens of this nation -- has secretly devined our "national interest" and enacted policies to carry out those interests.  We call it Foggy Bottom, and we can be sure there is much more sinister at it's bottom than fog!  Its long past time that the citizens of our nation take a long, hard, look at this function of our government and determine why the Repoobs are taking an "Alamo"-like stance to keep it under their malignant world view. 
After resoundlingly losing the election, the Rump Repoobs are "fllippin' the bird" and using Susan Rice as a "whipping girl" to keep the fight alive and find a way to continue avoiding their mandate to repair our nation's economy (you know, the one they broke in 2008).
All white voters in the 47% that supported Mitt and the Repoobs can take this opportunity to "lay their burden down" and start respecting all people at the level they demand for themselves.
Stay Vigilant!

Copyright: 2012:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

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