Sunday, November 22, 2015

we ALL, may be livin' some version of "SCHENGEN"??

Does "PARIS" threaten the "Unity" of an Extended Europe??
When I began my studies with Drucker, in 1985, Peter spoke a great deal about the emerging
European Economic Community, in which borders were essentially eliminated, for trade purposes, and for travel.  It was named for the Schengen Agreement, signed in 1985 by ten EU member states in the town of Schengen, Luxembourg.  With their common borders thus eliminated, their External Borders, took on much greater significance for such purposes as Security.

Thirty years later, we experience the unending horde of Refugees, spilling out of the Middle East; in flight, from widespread warfare.  Border Security cannot withstand such a flood of immigrants.
The Paris Killings last week, awaken political pressures to close those borders.  "The Donald", in the United States, striving to "own" what little is left of the Republican Party, uses Border Fences as his campaign theme.
What does all of this mean for Global Trade?  Nobody knows.  Given the staggering amounts of MONEY to be lost, I'm willing to bet that, even weak governments, will find a way to keep the MONEY flowing??

The concept of weak or ineffective borders can pertain, also, to Religions, Races, Nationalities, and their respective affinities.  National Identities have been a major issue since the Beirut Bombing of our Marines, that happened during Ronnie Reagan's first Term, in 1983.  Hostage-taking, that began with Iran in 1979, spread throughout the Middle East for a while.  People have been "voting with their feet "ever since those days of War between Sharon and Arafat.  The instabilities have grown; through Iran-Contra, Cold War Collapse of the Soviet Union, and the Putin-driven, "Cold-War-Echo", of 2015.

Political Parties are not immune from this question.  Republican Party Candidates, with their un-ending Hindsight, are rabidly pushing "Fences" and other devices that divide people, concepts, and causes.
They are firmly committed to "Conserving" our War-ridden Past.  The Democratic Party, in contrast, is busy putting forth ideas that counter the destructive and misleading slogans of the RIGHT, and provide Strategies for a more Secure and Prosperous Future.

Stay Vigilant!  Only those Religious "Apocalyptics" who are convinced there is NO FUTURE can be happy with the issues being circulated by these Repoobs.!!
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