Monday, May 11, 2015


A Pattern of "Texas-Style" Nullification?

Maybe, some day, our MEDIA might get a suspicion that there may be a "pattern" to  reports of "quasi-rebellious" behavior, coming from our RED (Repoob) States?  Guv'na Abbott "warns" that the United States is about to Invade Tesas!

Twenty years ago, the Oklahoma City Bombing, was committed by Timothy McVeigh; who resolutely went to this death in defiance of the United States Government.  The trail over the past two decades has led us through:   9/11; Anthrax Attacks; Bundy's Militias in Nevada; and, now, Government Officials, in State Houses and in our Senate, appear to have taken up his cause.  The "bone" that Guv'na Abbott threw to the MEDIA was designed to enlist their support in his cause.  They did so by "breathlessly reporting" the feared invasion of TEXAS!

If we view it the way the Media presents the "news"; it's "laugh-able".  If we take a serious eye and ear; we see a "pattern", and hear a "message: that extends through just about every "twist" our nation has experienced since 1995!  The Guv'na lends the highest-level of credence to the McVeigh mind-set.  There are many adherents in our Congress; in both Houses.  If we overlay the Guv/na's "warning" of impending Civil War with the record of our "actual" War, Oklahoma City compares with Fort Sumpter in the minds of the Far Right.  

Stay Vigilant!  As the 2016 Presidential Campaigns wears on; realize what the HARD RIGHT may really be up to!

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