Sunday, May 17, 2015

how about a "VIRTUAL-Community" for BLACKS in the Americas??

"Taking Stock"

Drunk on "Free" MONEY from the FED; Hedge Funds and Foundations are busy "consolidating" power at the top.  A "Run" at AFRICA, led by Foundations, promoting "Missionary" projects, seems to be very popular.  Many Movie Stars who haven't been in the public eye recently, can be seen on Commercials, begging for funds in the name of the Miseries of Black and Brown Children in Africa, and other parts of the world.

Except for whatever falls from the table of the Rich; the Poor and Marginalized (all colors) will have to fend for themselves, it seems.  China and India are not known for Equal Rights, you know.

The Republican Right have spent the past 7 years making it perfectly clear that the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to our Constitution will NEVER come to fruition.  That's what Jim Crow was all about!  Boehner and McConnell have demonstrated that they want to see those old policies carried forward into the 21st Century.  The Democrat Party and Liberals, seem to be "confused" on this issue, as evidenced by their huge "no-show" at the Polls in 2014.

So, where does all this leave the Marginalized?  It's clear by now that "Integration" was a "Dream"; much-more adhered to by Blacks and Browns than by Whites.  As Bessie Smith sang: "It's Hard to Love Somebody, who Won't Love You".  Over-committed persons of color, acting as isolated individuals, will learn the consequences of this as Institutionalized  Public Policies proceed as planned by the Hard Right.

"Community" is the tool that was abandoned by the marginalized, in their rush to "Integrate".  It was the power of "Community" that forced Voting Rights Legislation.  Isolated individuals, toiling in an "internal Diaspora", will get no where!  A RETURN to places of birth; formerly abandoned for lack of opportunity, will not be an answer.  Geography has been overcome by Technology.  Our ancestors left us messages in the songs they wrote and performed.  The "messages" were carefully "selected" by Black Communities, and, revealed their strategies for survival.  From Louis Armstrong to Nina Simone; there are Thousands of them.  It is possible to return, VIRTUALLY, to a  "Community" of those who are Willing. By selecting  Virtual Home Towns, or sites in Cyberspace, marginalized people can organize there; for their National and Regional issues and projects.  If properly constructed, Virtual Home Towns can become  Virtual City States; that can negotiate Trade Deals for its citizens.

Stay Vigilant!  Think About it!! Technology Takes, but it also provides us Tools; for those who are willing to work together??  Don't Take Any Wooden Nickels??  Consider how "RUSH" used RADIO to build his evil,  HARD RIGHT "Community". 

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