Wednesday, February 12, 2014


A "Christie-Effect"  ??
The First Black President of the United States finally "grows" into the job; after five years of attack from some of the most vicious racists on this side of the planet.  News from Switzerland shows that the other side of our planet, where color-based politics and economics was invented, shows that the EU is coming under pressure of collapse due to the same sick tendencies of people who are most proud of being "white" and having the power and privileges that condition has historically presented to them.  Rumblings in Brazil may indicate that the non-whites in that country are finally finding their voice and getting up off of their knees.  This can be a blessing in disguise, if those members of our species who are most proud of their white skin are finally deciding to join the "human" race. 
Religions, which have been the incubators of this sickness plaguing the planet in places like Syria, Israel, and India-Pakistan should take a cue from this change, and relieve the planet of the pressures that have caused the "Terrorism" plague that emerged in the 1990s.  All Power to "Pope-Too"??
There's no news of what will ultimately happen to the deposed "Nazi-Pope".
A direct line can be drawn connecting "scientific racism", known as Eugenics, and the Nazi Holocaust.  The role of "Medicine" in this sordid history, is also under-reported and poorly-understood.  It is timely that the practice of medicine is starting to come out of the Dark Ages and eliminate its historic discrimination against patients, and care providers, who don't have white skin.  In my nearly 75 years, I have known many people who have died prematurely due to this history of with-holding services and care to persons who are non-white.  The numbers of sufferers are staggering.  Dr. Charles Drew, inventor of blood plasma was one of the best known cases.
White Americans (in ALL of the Americas) must accept the costs of their clinging to white-skin privileges.  Just think of the talents and economic wealth that can become available to us all when "whites" take their collective "foot" off the throats of non-whites. 
Stay Vigilant!  A new "Golden Age" for all could be just around the corner.  Vote against all Republicans!!
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