Thursday, November 14, 2013


It Didn"t START Here; It Won't END Here !!
For those of any age, color, or socio-economic status, who think the United States will "cure" or "overcome" racism; they must come to see that their delusions aid in the persistence of this ancient evil.  Baron-Charles Louis de Montesquieu, in his Spirit of Laws, made it clear in 1748 how racism, economics, and religion "work together" to build the wealth and grandeur of Europe. 
Because  "Education" in the United States if more about "Pedigree" and "Status" than "understanding" the world in which we live and provide for ourselves and our families; we suffer, generation after generation, with the scourge of color racism.  Our questionable approach to "education" has also produced such miscreants on the non-white side of the Color Line as Booker T. Washington, (in or past) and Clarence Thomas, (today).  Understanding provides working knowledge:  the knowledge used to improve one's own life first!   Working knowledge is life-long, and grows over one's lifetime.  If what you're doing doesn't improve your life over time, stop doing it! 
The stupid kids I watch on television who think we've somehow entered into a "post-racial" world, are not only sadly mistaken -- they perpetuate the scourge, by preserving it for the next generations!  Racism cannot be "ignored" away
Sarah Palin is taking on "Pope-Too" for being "liberal"  We should all know to "consider the source" of such a belief; but think deeper:  Do we really believe that things would be better racially if we simply change the gender of our political leaders?  Palin is no Thatcher, but they both share the "race thing" it appears.  But, I digress?  Ask yourself, "what did the "Nazi-Pope" do to better race relations?
Let's all get serious about the scourge.  It comes back in slightly altered form, generation after generation, while we pretend we're making "Progress".  People of color, the world over, have a lot at stake in seriously tackling this scourge at its root.  Race is more dangerous than nuclear weapons!
Stay Vigilant!  See the GOP for what they truly represent in their shenanigans against ObamaCare, "Stand Your Ground", voter suppression, and whatever their next gimmick turns out to be.
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