Saturday, November 16, 2013

NERO "fiddled"..., OBAMA "fumbles" ...

... "HYENAS "Gather"??
Nero "fiddled" as Rome fell; the story goes.  He didn't do that, however, in the middle of the Coliseum; while the "Pundits" of that day sat around 'opining' -- pretending it was not also THEIR Empire that was in peril!

What's Up? with OUR "venerated Talking Heads"??  There is a curious kind of "detachment" from President Obama, as they (almost-all white -- total political spectrum) drone on about the "failings or short-comings" of the first Black President.  Perhaps they're convinced (or hoping) that this will be our LAST President-Of-Color??

Mitt is back in the news, spreading his "sour-grapes crap"; and so is Cheney.  They're both seeking to rub some of their sh*t off onto Obama.  They think the current problems with Obamacare will provide them the opportunity.  One wack-job-pundit is even comparing Obama's Health Care controversies with "Katrina" and Cheney/Bush!  Do we need any better proof that we've descended into the Cuckoo's Nest?

Of course, poor whites fell for,(and continued to vote for) Reagan, Daddy-Bush,  Slick Willy, and Cheney/Bush, while those Off-shored everybody's Jobs.  The Republicans are hoping they can turn this same voting block against Obamacre;  and, thereby get away with providing NO HEALTH CARE relief at all!

 Who are some of the other Hyenas?  The "Industries" (Medical, Pharmaceutical, Hospitals, and Insurance) and their respective Lobbyists and funders.  Then there are the paid "operatives" who do their bidding within the Congress.  Tons of Money to be had by all!  Spineless Democrats can be found among their number!

As we approach the 50th Anniversary of the Assassination of our first (and only) Catholic President; (The First Lady refused to change her blood-splattered pink suit) -- ("I want them to see what they have done", she reportedly said); it appears the Republicans will stop at nothing to destroy the accomplishments of the first Black President; and to destroy his reputation in the process!

Stay Vigilant!  What's in all of this for You??

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