Thursday, September 26, 2013

What "CHANGE" ??

"It's always been like that"
Don't you know people who, no matter what "changes" are being discussed, will reply:
"Oh, it's always been like that!"  Frustratin' ain't it?  It's a put-down; a shut-down, a denial, all wrapped into a single phrase.  Even the blind, the most stupid, and those most afraid of acknowledging change of any kind; will have to admit that something is really different these days.  People in that latter category deny the existence of all changes, because they are afraid they might have to change their beliefs, habits, or most cherished assumptions.  Others fear that they have too much to lose by acknowledging and accepting change.  Change is hard; for everybody; both, those who seek it, and those who (futilely, and dangerously) do everything to keep it from happening.
I read President Obama's speech, delivered to the United Nations a couple of days ago.  You really need to read the full transcript .  This speech represents changes that, if they occur only in the direction of our efforts, will put on the path that will bring about all that was hoped for in 1945; when a tired (and broke) nation dared to dream of a world without global war.
It ain't always been like this!  Not in my lifetime.  Of all the Presidents, only Kennedy's speech on World Peace, delivered after the Cuban Missile Crisis, compares with the speech President Obama delivered.  A great deal of blood and treasure have been spilled by the U.S. and by other nations in the world, since 1963.  The Cold War first bankrupted, then collapsed the Soviet Union.  The aftershocks of that struggle are still reverberating, and can take down this nation!  That will certainly be the case if we don't find a peaceful way to stop the demagogic rise of our own Hard Right insurrectionists.  These people are feeding off the fires of discontent that are burning in the wake of the 2008 economic meltdown of our economy and the 9/11 attack that shattered our false notions of impregnability.
Former President Clinton provides much needed insight into our current governmental dysfunction, when he states that there is a critical difference in what a dedicated minority can achieve, and what a diffuse majority can prevent.   The observation came in his interview with Piers Morgan last night on CNN.   We all have to take the 2014, Off-Year, election seriously and participate fully!
Stay Vigilant!  It ain't over 'til it's over! 
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