Thursday, April 25, 2013


"Absolving" an 'Ex-Pres'??
On this day when the Presidential Library is opened by "W" (for Laura?); its time we look back at the period 2000-2008, and examine what happened to us.  We're also in the midst of the Boston Bombing aftermath, so excuse me if I feel like the "dark days" W's "selection" brought us, are still with us.
But, cheer up!  The media has begun the campaign to make us realize that it was Cheney, after-all!
We know that our eminent historians are all cheerleaders for our ex-presidents -- all of whom have been white and male, so far.  The jury is "still out" as to what our historians, and the public at large, will do to, or for, Obama.  Given the "productions" staged by our Congress since Obama's election in 2008, (You Lie!) -- with Mitch and John in starring roles -- I'm not hopeful.  The Presidential Election of 2012 seems not to have deterred the insurrectionists In Congress, in the least.  They've picked up younger and fresher faces to assist their efforts, while inducing the older, wiser(?) heads to "take the money and run!".
If you think about it, we can all make a list of events that Cheney will have to take the heat for.  Bush v. Gore tops my list (Sandra and Clarence also gain absolution -- we expected as much from the rest of them).  Next comes Enron; Arafat and the Palestinians; 9/11;Rumsfeld; Anthrax attack;  Iraq Invasion; Afghanistan; Abu Ghraib; Delay & Abramoff; Katrina; Housing Bubble; and our Imploded Economy.  Curiously, our very elaborate and multi-layered "Intelligence" and Regulatory structures seem to have failed us, along with all  of the other  "Fail-Safes" this country produced prior to 9/11.  They all failed; on the same day; at the same hour; at the same minute; at the same second -- Is Cheney "Darth Vader"?; or What?  The Boston Bombing may show that our new and improved (and very expensive) "Intelligence" appartus is echoing the performance of the one we replaced.  Could it be the "people" and not the "systems"??
Looking back also over the long list of our ex-Presidents, I have my list of "Dastards" -- starting with Jackson, followed by Polk, Hayes, and "Rough and Ready Teddy".   You're welcome to make your own list -- after you've burned the books of their "cheerleader historians".
Stay Vigilant!  Don't buy "snake-oil"
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