Saturday, March 10, 2012

DEATH OF DEMOCRACY? Is it time for all of us to BLAST, not just ROCK the Vote?

2012 is more likely to signal the end of Democracy than the end of the world.  The United States, which claims to be the "Beacon of Democracy" for the World", is under attack by interest groups invested in weakening/starving/strangling democracy, both in our legislatures and our courts.

Taken together, they represent a steady progression toward replacing "One Person, One Vote" in the United States with a turn toward government by Corporate and Big Money Interests.

"Citizens United" is something every citizen of this country should become very familiar with ... it's facts AND its impact!  This is a dagger at the heart of Democracy as we've known it throughout our history.

Coming at the same time as the rise and dominance of financial and corporate power in the economy of the United States, the impact of the court's ruling is toxic to our Democracy.

The concerted attack in more than a majority of our state legislatures to bring back devious instruments of voter denial/suppression and to enshrine them in law, extends older methods of color-based voter denial to all citizens of  our nation.  Every public official involved in these efforts should be named and shamed publicly in our newspapers, on television, and in all organizations that  truly seek the expansion and enabling of democracy.

The party that represents both,   "money",  and corporate interests in the 2012 election in the United States should be called out and exposed for its attacks on democracy.  Those who are not familiar, should learn of the time when Germans, a proud Democracy, voted for "money" and corporate interests and for a party dedicated to destroy democracy.  What we face in 2012 is, in no way, politics as usual.

One comment from a participant in the "Arab Spring" demonstrations in the square in Cairo was to the effect that they succeeded because they got the television-watching couch potatoes involved.  We need to wake up our couch potatoes, help them to pull their heads out of the T.V. , or elsewhere, and take action immediately to save our Democracy.

Demographics, Technology, and concentration of Wealth have combined to create a toxic stew that will destroy everything in its path -- jobs, personal freedoms, and our Constitution.

Technology permits a "social media" approach to politics that isolates every interest group for inoculation from the awareness of the threat they face and to trick them to either vote against their interests or not vote.  Suppression tactics await those who try to vote.  If you're old, young, black, white, some color in between, rich, poor, north, south, east, west, religious, not religious, female, male, Hispano or Ingles -- all of these are "frogs in the same tub" as the heat rises imperceptibly.

So, make sure you CAN vote, make sure you DO vote in 2012, and TELL YOUR FRIENDS!

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