Thursday, March 29, 2012


Looks like "The Supremes" are at it again!

Forty years ago, I wrote my Master's Thesis entitled "American Values In Black and White" in which
I took Public Administrators to task for their failure to use their public positions (any position paid directly by public funding) to combat institutional racism.  I used Supreme Court cases to establish the basis in law for my conclusions.   In one case, Plessy v. Ferguson, the Court, in explicit language, described race law in our country and how they viewed the justice of such law.  At a minimum, our Justices, and other public officials are required to uphold and defend the Constitution; accurately interpreting and implementing its provisions, to provide equal justice to our citizens.

In Bush v. Gore, the Court intervened in a presidential election; and thereby undermined both the Constitutional requirements of separation of powers and the requirement to have disputed presidential elections decided in the House of Representatives.  The following eight years of the regime the Court ushered in has cost our country dearly in both lives and treasure.  The grief from their actions will linger long; as we struggle into the 21st Century.

Now, in the name of reviewing the constitutionality of the Affordable Health Care Law passed by Congress, the Court is striking at the Commerce Clause of the Constitution.  If they rule in favor of the attempts of many interests to gut this Clause, the national divisions, already achieved by the right wing, will combine to destroy the unity of the United States.  The Secession, formerly attempted and failed, by the southern states will thereby be avenged and we will return to the days of  Peonage, for everyone; except, perhaps, for the top 1% .

2012 is reputed to be the year when "The World Ends"!  It's beginning to look like the world of the average citizen may be about to come to an end.  The Mayan Calendar, reported to predict this end, was the product of a culture the Conquistadors and Catholic Priests took great pains to eradicate 520 years ago.  1492 is regarded by some as the year when the raw capitalism of Europe destroyed then- existing cultures throughout the Americas hemisphere.

It could also be true that the Court is attempting once again to interfere in the 2012 presidential election. This time, before it takes place.  Jim Baker told Charlie Rose last night that the patterns of redistricting have divided this country in such a way that "there is no middle left".  In this situation, close elections will be easy to "fix".   Unchecked power will devolve to state legislatures.  The 2000 election debacle revealed that the U.S. voter was wrong to believe that the popular vote determined the outcome of our presidential elections.  It was revealed that the Constitution permits state legislatures to deny the vote to any of its citizens.  The state legislatures have the power to vote their state electors to the Electoral College without reflecting the choices of  their citizenry.

Citizens United, again, handiwork of this Supreme Court, permits funds from any undisclosed source to be used to elect the President of the United States.  All of these actions appear to weaken and undermine the protection of the U.S. Citizen.  Clarence Thomas, handiwork of Poppa Bush, has been there for everything since 1991.  He and Scalia are now joined by Alito and Roberts, who replaced O'Connor and Rehnquist  (involved in Bush v. Gore).

Is this Paranoia or Sanity?  Is there a difference in this situation?

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