Friday, January 6, 2012


January 6, 2012                                                                 O H I O


What’s R-e-a-l-l-y Wrong With The US?

                As Pogo would say, “We’ve met The  Enemy, and They Is US!”  Take it as you like, US can mean you and me, or US could mean the United States.    In the U.S. there is a state named OHIO.  As kids we used to cite the riddle: “what’s round on both ends, and high in the middle?”  Answer: Ohio.  It could also be the United States if you view  “O,” to denote oceans and ”hi” the elevated regions between the oceans.  But, I digress, let’s get back to Ohio.  That state alone inflicted a great deal of treachery on our nation in its first hundred years of existence by providing several of our Presidents; mostly Republican; and the worst of them was Rutherford B. Hayes. That mountebank saddled this nation with the collapse of Reconstruction;  which produced Southern Rednecks, the Klan, segregation, lynching, Jim Crow, and today’s Republican Party.

                In its current manifestation, the GOP has brought the nation to the brink of insolvency, and kicked it while it tries to recover.  We’re now in the throes of an election which will perhaps impact the future course of this nation; strangely similar to the one charted by Hayes in 1875.

                In 1830, De Tocqueville observed that the United States was ruled by a tyrannical (white) majority with two overriding goals: (1) exterminate all natives, and (2) work all blacks to death in perpetuity.  The Civil War was fought to settle the labor issue, but its aftermath led to Reconstruction, which doubled down on that second goal.  Those freed slaves who fought for the Union and had no home or job to return to after the Civil War ended,  were put to work supporting goal (1) in that part of our nation bounded by Canada, the Sierras, Missouri, and the Mexican border.

                Reconstruction also brought the “black tax” which enabled any white to confiscate anything they desired from non-whites without interference from the law.  That revenue still flows to white Southerners today because Martin Luther King discovered the importance of economics too late.  In the rest of the nation, the black tax is rapidly disappearing, leaving middle and lower-class whites to make it on their own.  The GOP is seeking to destroy government and replace it with a market-driven economic system that will work all, except the extremely rich, to death in perpetuity.  This is designed to take place in a global economy in which corporate interests trump all government control.

                Setting the stage for the Civil War, James Polk (a North-Carolinian, and an eerily-early model for George W. Bush) divided the nation by invading Mexico on trumped-up charges.  Abraham Lincoln was a member of Congress who opposed the war to no avail.  In the ensuing political squabbles, the Whig Party disappeared, the Republican Party was born, and the Know-Nothings stormed the land.  Sound familiar?  What drove it all was unbridled greed and slavery.  Check out Bernard De-Voto’s “1846, A Year of Decision” for more details.  The nation would be greatly served if in our current election, the Republican Party is given its walking papers by the voters and passes on into history.

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