Monday, January 23, 2012

The Black Conservative in U.S. Politics

     I woke up this morning to a gathering of Black Conservatives on C-Span.  What a treat to watch.
You can tell when the Republican Party is in a tough fight, it seeks out their black representatives and herds them before the media.  I've seen this movie before over the past several decades.  There they were; the usual suspects; ministers (used by white male presidents for more than a hundred years to appease blacks), current and ex-elected officials, and Star Parker(sic).
     My overall sense after watching for an hour was one of sadness and deep frustration.  It was like watching a trapped animal fight its way out of a snare.  An animal that could see only a limited part of its snare; therefore, not able to make any progress - - in spite of great energy and a desire to achieve freedom.
     Coming on the heels of Newt Gengrich's rout of the Republican field in the South Carolina Primary, the gathering, though not their intent, glaringly illuminated the current status of the Republican Party as the Klan Party.  Yet, they struggled mightily to convince themselves and others watching that black voters should vote for the Republican Party.
    As for Conservatives, the South Carolina whites in the Republican Party want to "take back" their power and conserve white supremacy.  So for, blacks in this country have yet to achieve again the community wealth they had gained before integration.  They certainly have no wealth, or values, left to "conserve".  Remember, you are what you do; not what you preach (Newt)!
    They, rightly,  agreed that black voters in the U.S. live conservative lives, but vote with Progressives.
     They wrongly stated that the Republicans failed in their public relations message to blacks and needed to correct that error.  They failed to realize that those blacks who vote for Progressives or Liberals are smart enough to  know their enemies when they see them.  Black conservatives are roundly confused on tht score.
     The preachers in the group were humming that same old, tired message that blacks were lulled to a stupor by "welfare".  At the same time, they strum the tune that blacks should follow the white Jesus.
They remind me of  the old story about the twelve blind men and the elephant.  Although, the elephant this group was pushing stinks to high heaven!  Their noses should save them, though their eyes failed them.  Some of them must have smelled something, because they stressed the need to identify themselves as "Frederick Douglass Republicans".
     Moses warned the Israelites against following false gods and worshipping idols.  In the 21st Century, black Americans have to wake up to the false choices they have made through time.
In the 19th Century they were given the choice between Frederick Douglass and Booker T. Washington as leaders.  The right choice would have been to follow both of them.  In the 20th Century they were given the choice between Malcolm X and Martin Luther King.  The right choice would have to follow both of them.  As to false gods and idols, any fool should know that Jesus did not come from Europe.  The Roman Christians of the 5th Century have to be regarded as the most talented of hucksters and the most dangerous of demagogues on matters of skin color.  Their impact has stood through 500 years and infected every Christian religious reformation or reincarnation since, including the Book of Mormon.
     As stated in an earlier blog of mine, the government has always been the source of degradation for blacks in the United States, assisted over time by the Church and the Klan .  Any politician in the 21st century who pushes government as the solution to the problems black citizens in the country face, is misguided.  What has been lacking all along, is the inability or unwillingness of blacks to face their predicament with steel resolve and self-discipline to achieve all they can while they live, and to defend to the death what they achieve; against all who would take away those achievements or degrade them to ineffectiveness.

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