Monday, October 5, 2015

Are we READY for this "FEMINIST" Round??

Look Carefully; BEYOND our MEDIA!!

Before we succumb to MEDIA, and let them waltz us, mesmerized by the antics of TRUMP, toward National Disaster in 2016; let's look carefully at where we are TODAY, and HOW we got here!!

Bernanke's new book shows how close we came to a deep, 1930s style, DEPRESSION, in 2008, when Obama was elected President.  That means the "Conservative" Cheney/Bush Regime DESTROYED our Economy.  Citizens, like those from our "Sewy-Hole" regions, like Arkansas; who first appeared on T.V., as they defied President Eisenhower, over the issue of Little Rock High School, sprang into ACTION!!

Failing to get their Senator, and a "peculiar" female Governor from Alaska, elected in 2008; these people, assisted by fellow-citizens from our Old South, Texas, and Southern California, have united inside the Republican Party, to DEFY, at every turn, President Obama, the first Black President elected in these United States!  That defiance has taken many bizarre twists and turns between both Treachery and Treason!  Over that time, they have deeply divided our Country, and undermined our Safety, aided by BIG MONEY from the Hard Right! 

Using MEDIA tactics that were  first developed in Gernany in the 1930s, these Vermin, with a second  failed run at the Presidency tucked under their belt;  are gearing up to defeat the first Female candidate for the Presidency, in 2016!  Are we ready for another four-to eight years of the Crap that has been thrown at Obama? ? Can our Country survive more of  these Treasonous activities from these people, organized, now, into a highly treacherous group, operating  within the House of Representatives, and fed by several "Think Tanks"??  Can we achieve the organizational strength necessary to defeat their thrust, before 2016?? 

The Psychology of Feminism, as displayed in our MEDIA since the 1970s, reveals serious flaws that should be of deep concern, first, to those  FEMALES; who aren't white, who aren't wealthy or well-connected, and who are below the age of 2!.  Feminism has seriously let down all of these groups of females!!  Palin, clearly, was not qualified to be second-in line to the Presidency of the United States.  Even the Vermin can see that, by now!  (Most of them, anyway).

My greatest concern are those females who obviously believe they "win" when they copy the worst flaws of MEN; like bold disgregard for truth; bullying and ruthlessness; and allowing Wealth to TRUMP everything else.

Stay Vigilant!  If we get a Female President in 2016, we must MAKE SURE that it is the best qualified candidate available, who also happened to be Female!!  Whoever she is, the VERMIN can be expected to continue their current strategies and objectives.  In seven years, President Obama has repaired the most serious DAMAGE that was done by Cheney/BUSH!!

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