The Answer may be Near??
More than 100 days, and counting, we await the "shoe" to drop in Missouri. When I left there, in 1959, my Civil Rights activities had been participation in a "walk-out" to boycott Black on Black racism in our school (white inspired), and protests against Jim Crow seating at our local theaters. Civil Rights had not gone "national", and Civil Rights Protests around the country were still all- Black.
Ten years later, all HELL had broken loose across our country, President assassinated, Black Civil Rights Leaders assassinated, with evidence of Government involvement, and Riot in the streets.
What immediately set in, at the beginning of the 1970s, was called "White Backlash"!. As I have written in these Blogs, I experienced those early days in the Military, following more than 10 years of our Defense Department's (brand new in 1948) struggles with President Truman's Executive Order to "Integrate". My Master's Thesis, in 1972, documented the White-"Backlash" reactions to Integration, both in the Military and in our streets, and across our nation. Education, and "Busing" was the first line of attack by Whites, and, over these past 45 years, has proven to be the most devastating to our nation as a whole, and to our non-white children, in particular. Evidence: look at our jails today; and, the murder by black children of other black children in our streets. White Administrators efforts of "Education" to "segregate, while integrating; under the same roof" has worked well for white interests.
Because Think Tanks, Lobbyists, and the Politicians owned by Lobbyists, often know things the rest of us don't; we're often MUSHROOMED as a national PUBLIC. You know, the way mushrooms are grown: "kept in the dark and fed CRAP" (the alias, that is)! Our post-Cold-War MEDIA has been perfectly suited for furthering the aims of these "white interests"
We see them on display, today, in Ferguson, and in the White House, where the First Black President is set to call the BLUFF of a political party that has been consumed by a FACTION. That faction, driven by think tanks, has caused the general dysfunction, and sporadic non-function of our Federal Government. The Faction is driven by it's total unwillingness and inability to GOVERN in cooperation with a President who is not white! They have no concern for what happens to their country as a result. This has been very minutely displayed by a large cast of "characters" over the past 6 years -- years 39-45 of the "Backlash"!!
What was thought to be a "Backlash" is far more sinister. It can be visioned as a repeat of the period: 1840-1861)! We could be re-visiting the reign of President Polk, and its aftermath! We're seeing the methodical take-over of our nation -- deviding it between Red and Blue states! The former "Confederate States" have "metastasized" into RED States that are dedicated to thwart the Federal Government at every turn, while rendering ou Congress inoperative. Our electorate, in a curious act on non-voting, has allowed the Faction to control Congress. A Senator from one of the RED states, not known as a "radical", speaks openly of "armed rebellion"!
Stay Vigilant! This story is still unfolding around us. Are you "stirring" in your mushroom bed??
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