Happy Veteran's Day
As a Retired-Colonel, Decorated and Awarded for achievements in Military Aircraft, Nuclear Testing, and High Energy Laser Programs; I found this morning's televised interview with Jack Ma, Founder of Alibaba, "ground-breaking". Reviewing my Drucker Notes from the mid-1980s, I heard things said in the interview that indicated profound changes ahead for Economic Models now pursued across our planet.
China has experienced periods of wealth development along its Pacific Coast several times in its history. Each time before, it failed to migrate the improvements in wealth into its interior. From what I heard Jack Ma say this morning, This Time, it May Be Different ! Ma's focus is, first, on China; but, eventually for his customers -- World-Wide. There seems to be no limit as to "products" he embraces. He is backed by China's State-Capitalism. Putin embraces the same concept, but OIL is his "One-Trick Pony". That explains why he has to "Bully" Europe.
"Cracker Capitalism" came upon us in 1989, the year the Soviet Union collapsed. That is when the FINANCIAL BOYS, over-threw our Industrial Model of Capitalism, and began the "scorched-earth", Conquistador-Chattel-Slave-Model of economics we see practiced today. Rolling, successive, ever-larger, "Bubbles" that collapse: - Ruining more and more people's lives. The Mid-Year Election has set us up of yet another of these. The Cracker-Capitalists have no concern for Communities, Tribes, Races, or Religions. They skillfully play on all of these, but, are interested only in the Law of the Jungle/Winner-Take-All kinds of outcomes. No single individual, or company, of any size, is safe from its grasp. They desperately need to conquer the government of the United States to provide them a base for at least one of them to "Conquer" the planet. Who will benefit? Only the Top Dog: the one left standing after all "Competition" is vanquished. By acquiescing to the HARD RIGHT in November; the "shallow" citizens of the U.S. have opened the door to this kind of outcome. Examine the Republicans' ACTIONS; their words are mere PROPAGANDA! Their "Talking Heads" are carefully placed throughout our print and televised MEDIA.
Jack Ma (Alibaba) envisions a totally different world, with a polar-opposite outcome: one where the customer comes first/shareholder, last! The customer's happiness is the new road to economic success?? Nothing can be more foreign to European Values, or the BEHAVIOR of the "darlings": of our domestic economy.
Stay Vigilant! If Ma's version of Entrepreneurialism catches on among non-white citizens of this planet; Europe's time-worn tricks of bringing in MISSIONARIES (Pope-Too?) -- may no longer work! Look at what mayhem was sown in Uganda, when HARD RIGHT misionaries fromdiffering parts of the .U.S, swept into UGANDDA, setting the Ugandas tostrife, including murder, against each other over Homosexuality! http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/04/world/africa/04uganda.html
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