Friday, November 7, 2014

OBAMA v. "MITCH and BOEHNER"?? What do the next 2 Years "Portend"??

Who Does "John" think he' s KIDDING?

Who out there still thinks our "WELL" is NOT POISONED, already??  Mitch and the Ditch (Ohio River runs between) Gang, poisoned the minds of the elctorate, riding on RACE; beginning in 2008!  Are the next two years their "end game", are they readying us for the ascendancy ot "Terrible Teddy from Texas"??

The Financial Market may have a thing or two to say about that, I suppose.  It opened DOWN this morning -- I guess the hangover has worn off, and the "partiers" are now learning who they have been sleeping with?

The "Girl" that "brung us" to this Dance, thus far; has been the FEDERAL RESERVE!  That was because the Congress of the United States would NOT do its JOB, and take their Responsibility to tend to the FISCAL Policy of this country!  Do we really think, it will do so now; after the Crackers among our voting population managed to catch the rest of the voters sleeping while they took over the entire CONGRESS??

Does anyone think they will step up to that Responsibiity, and FIX our TAX CODE, Now??
Better check out what you've been drinking, if you do.

Obama is on the right track; as the economic data of the past 6 years clearly show.  Never mind that the Crackers who voted on Tuesday can't spell Fiscal; nevertheless tell anyone what it means!  Such may be the sorry state of "Education" for everybody in the Ditch (Sewer) States? ?  They're busy bringing their hatreds and poverty to YOUR State!! (RED, anyone?)

Obama has both Putin and Netanyahu "on the run", despite their sympathizers among the Republicans.  He would be a fool to let up now.  The Closet-Crackers among the Democrat Party Members have to be ferreted out and exposed to the public!  Why did the Millenials NOT VOTE?
Are they way ahead of the old, white Crackers who made up the majority of the electorate on Tuesday?   Are they on an entirely, hich-tech, "lilly-pad" that focuses on intellectual property rather than RACE and RELIGION??  Do they know best the economic trends ahead, both in our national economy AND the global economy? Does TV generation versus Mobile Media generation say it all?  

Where was the so-called SMART MONEY??  Was it TRUMPED by Dirty Money, or Religious and Racist Money?  

Pay no attention to the Black "Talking Heads" in our Media.   They are scripted, and paid by white bosses!  "Ditch" Bosses have operated on this principle for centuries.  Where do you think the NFL learned its Management Practices? How do the Republicans choose their Blacks and Browns?

Stay Vigilant!  Tend to your MONEY, and hope Obama keeps a "firm hand on the wheel".  His Course of Actions defines our present economic well-being.

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