Thursday, November 6, 2014


Will Man-Kind "Survive"??

"america" spoke on Tuesday, November 4, 2014!!  It rendered the following "verdict" : WHITE SKIN MUST PREVAIL;  at all cost!

OBAMA is considered to be GUILTY! -- for not changing the color of his skin!  The part of him that is white, evidently, did not produce the results a significant portion of our white voting public desired.

MEDIA (Right, Left, and a small, but vastly differentiated Center) is "Piling ON" Obama in the aftermath of the Mid-Term Elections, with contorted, confusing, and conflicting, "Messages"!  It's amazing how many reasons they cough up to hide their personal aversion to Skin Color.  Quiet Social Distance, is no longer sufficient in these days of Ebola, Ferguson, and ISIS.  Most of us have been confused; ALL of us are scared of the future!  What used to be "manageable at home" is "unmanageable" abroad.  Crackers have undermined our President, State Department, and Intelligence Community, as a result of their 6-year campaign, led by Mitch McConnell.

Any person, either gender, of any color, other than Black, would have garnered much more Respect, Appreciation, and Honor for what Obama has accomplished.  Instead, the heinous Crackers who did all the damage to our lives and our economy, have been Rewarded for their actions, and are poised to take credit for the amazing accomplishments of President Obama.

Why??;  because the Crackers in his own party, and many Black citizens, failed to support his Herculean efforts to save our way of life. Some, like Justice Thomas, worked with the Tea Party to bring him down!

We can no longer pretend that we are champions of  Justice, or, Democracy!
What we're witnessing is not Democracy -- it is some version of the Naziism of Germany, eighty years ago.  Mitch and his Ditch Gang were brilliant in their design of this "Coup", however; they have managed to appear as "Moderates" by installing the Lunatic, Ted Cruz, as the new definition of Far Right!

Stay Vigilant!  This will be much more than a Bumpy Night as we proceed into the 21st Century.
The now universal, tendency to loathe all things and people with the smallest touch of Black Africa, began 2500 years ago with the SUPRESSION of  Black Pharoahs in Egypt.  Read Montesquieu!!

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