Democrats seem to be in a "rush" as they turn their Butts to the conquering Cracker-Repoobs.
Landrieu (a "near-beer", if you look closely) is busy making her coming loss "pyrric"; with the help of her "scare-d-cat" Demos! The Cracker-Right, led by Guv'na Nixon of Mighty MO, is shaking their fists at would-be Demonstrators, as they prepare for the finale of thier Grand Jury Farce.
The list of things the Cracker-Right have at their disposal to continuously "Scare-Hell" out of our fellow white citizens, is extremely long: Ferguson, ISUS, Ebola, black Voters, Obama, "Mexicans"-on-the Border,and, the "Guv-a-ment" they're trying to CONQUER. Makes you wonder if any whites get to sleep at night!
As our money drains down, and Demand shrinks, the Repoobs have been spectaculary successful at using FEAR to destroy TRUST. It should be expected that they will continue to utilize FEAR as their major instrument as they asume POWER!! They started with 9-11, and have made great headway, as they terrorize the publicin through Off-Year elections; as they continue to lose Presidential Elections.
If they can continue to keep the average white voter "Cowed", they might have a chance to win the Presidency in 2016?? How's Ted Cruz lookin' to ya' right-about-now??
The "Report Card" delivered on November 4, continues to reveal startling facts about the electorate in the United States. It seems to be weary; generally "pissed-off"; and highly suceptible to the "mind-f---" the Repoobs employ so adeptly -- from Rush Limbaugh to Mitch McConnell. Never mind that none of it is TRUE! White voters are disparaged (by their "own"); at a time when our economy shows every sign of recovery, from the Repoob Meltdown of 2008; EXCEPT for the fact that the poorly educated, and unskilled in our country cannot participate!! Racism has kept the average white person believing that those categories only apply to Blacks, Hispanics, and Native Americans. With the rapid decline of the white "Middle-Class", they're learning that this belief, along with the rest of their steady diet of PROPAGANDA, leaves them "High and Dry". Non-whites have the entire world, available for "networking"; since so many whites deliberately choose NOT to "INTEGRATE" or SHARE POWER across Color Lines.
Stay Vigilant! "Wooden Nickles"? -- ANYONE??
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