A "Challenged" Nation
Staring directly into the cameras, Darren Wilson, the Slayer of Michael Brown told the world how little regard he has for persons of color, and of the Constitution of the United States. His only concern was for his own hide. Released Evidence shows the extent to which the Governor of Missouri, was complicit with the Prosecutor, McCollough, and the entirety of government officials in the Saint Louis Area, to bring about what was clear Maniuplation, if not Conspiracy, designed to deny Justice for a Crime of Murder. It also was constructed so as to prevent a Trial, in which Justice could be pursued.
What O'Mara, and the State of Florida showed, through Media manipulation, as a successful way to sway a Jury and subvert a Fair Trial; McCollough and the Missouri gang took a step further, to make a Trial impossible!
All Citizens of the state of Missouri, and the United States of America are LOSERS in this chain of events. This appears to be part and parcel of a national movement, echoed in the halls of our Congress, that uses FEAR and THREATS of Choas to Racially-Oppress a large geographic area containing African Americans. The evidence is clear, and echoes rebound from many parts of the country. Black parents, rightfully, have to fear for the lives of thier children.
This Nation is challeged: It must take a stand here, to preserve the Constitutional Protections of ALL citizens; or suffer a continuance of denial of those protections to others, whenever circumstances dictate. Governor Nixon, a Democrat, joins forces with Governor Scott of Florida, a Republican,, and 20th century Governors, like Wallace, Barnett, and Faubus. The "Mississippi Sovereignty Commission", supported by the FBI, and Black Religious Leaders, comes to mind as a similar, state-level, "caper"! We are witnessing Bi-Partisan Oppression in the RED States!
What to do? Blacks, first and foremost, must accept the REALITY of their predicament, and no longer pretend they can PRAY it away! ; or, continue to participate in any popular deceptions that feed this sort of outcome. MONEY, alone is not sufficient to attack this kind of problem. It has been reported, that the Chinese Government, determined NOT to permit Democracy for Hong Kong, has designed a movement to "Infantalize" those who demonstrate for Democracy. This is the REVERSE of the Patrimony, historically used to placate Blacks in the United States. Infantalization seeks to reduce those striving for more freedom, to the status of Children, and makes their control by the State easier. Blacks in the United States have been "infantalized" from their earliest days of Chattel Slavery. Oprah, and Herman Cain, are examples of the inadequacy of riches as a remedy for Racism. TRADE, however reaches beyond MONEY. Blacks control $1T in spending power. They can and should shape and direct that power to make it clear to states like Missouri that their CRAP will no longer be tolerated. Only when Businesses, large and small, (especially Immigrant-owned Small businesses that prey upon Black Communities) suffer at their BOTTOM LINE, will they make common cause with the oppressed. The Constitution Permits citizens to protect themselves in this way. We are in a Globalized Economy now. To continue to perpetuate the behaviors and beliefs of the past would be INSANE, for all involved. There are other paths and relationships than can and should be pursued in order to find COMMON INTEREST. THE LAW, as we have known it, has been proven indaequate by Missouri's Leaders.
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