Repoob Quandary??
Railing in the MEDIA, from Congress and the Missouri State House, Cracker Leadership (both Parties) is jeering and shouting threats, while they try desperately to figure out how to "get it right" -- how to steer a path in their fight against Non-Whites (Blacks and Mexicans) without "pissin'-off" those whites who are not CRACKERS!
Who are the CRACKERS?? We saw them paraded in the Republican Primaries in 2012. Huntsman, finding his stomach turning in their presence, distanced himself from them. They are those whites who voted Rebuplican in the Mid-Terms in Pavlovian Response to the conditioning from Mitch and his Gang, Ted Cruz, and Rush Limbaugh (Karl Rove is still a "player" but members like Palin, and Trump have crowded him out of the limelight. Crackers cannot "integrate", and oppose, on sight, any non-white that does not "Obey" them!
When I was a kid in Missouri, and the KLAN marched at night, Blacks met them at the Railroad Tracks with guns, and they backed-off! Its not clear what it will take before they desist in their attempts bring Gestapo tactics to city streets and to cripple the Executive Branch of our Government. They fear a return to their earlier attacks on our economy, such as Shut-Downs. Black Youth today, in MO, and elsewhere, have much more powerful, and non-violent, tools for combatting this CRUD that is now posing as MODERATE Republicans.
Obama is calling their bluff on Immigration, it appears, and the spineless Demos in Congress are in a tizzy. The twin runs at Obama over the Pipeline (both Dem and Repoobs from Louisiana) are pathetic and pitiful! The Repoob threats also contain the "Impeach" option. John and Mitch are looking more and more impotent every day. They're really afraid of what they will face when they eventually take control of Congtess in January.
I learned in my 1970s studies at UNM that Congress was overwhelmed by the task of governing a 300M+ population with the antiquated tools and methods they were using. Example: they knew in 1970 that a doctor from one of the Sewer States had taken an old chicken-coop, converted it into an "old-folks-home" and billed the government more than $1M in one year under Medicaid. Congress did nothing to stop Medicare Fraud in the South; allowing it to grow to the monstrous proportions I found on Miami Beach when I lived in Miami. Congress began, in 1970, Legislating in Theme-Only, and invading the Executive Branch through their Lobbyists. Obama sits atop an Executive Branch that is riddled by Congress. The Defense and State Departments are the most egregious cases.
Repoobs have driven all of this since the Gengrich Invasion of 1994. The ran "open-loop" during the Cheney/Bush years. Remember Denny Hastert and Tom Delay? Where do you think Boehner learned his tactics?
Quandary: How to not "step on it" in the next two years, while making the National Voters see them as anything BUT the Right-Wing Nuts they are!
Stay Vigilant! What is your strategy for combatting CRACKERS??
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