Sunday, November 2, 2014

REPOOBS: The "Liberal" and "Libertarian" SWINDLES??

On the "Wrong TRack" with the SUNDAY "Talks"??

The Psycho-Babble emanating from this morning's "Talks"; beginning with Marshmallow Candy, is enough to "fracture" even the lamest brain in this Lame-Brained Nation!!  The Repoobs are spouting "Libertarianism" from Rand Paul, and outright "Bullsh**" from Haley Barbour!

Smelling victory on Tuesday in the Senate (former Secretary Baker, the only really "Smart" one in their Repoob Bunch, cautions us to wait for the VOTE -- the only thing that approaches Truth??)  Polls LIE, and those who are polled LIE -- especially when RACE in involved.  But the once great States of Iowa and Colorado are under serious attack by the Dark Forces operating in our politics today.

Rand Paul is out front with his "Libertarian" message, outlining how that portion of our electorate will be used to keep White Supremacy alive in the 21st Century (a little tinkering here; a little tinkering, there ...).  The Washington Post is way ahead of him, "leaking" rumors designed to "tamp down Ferguson!  Even the pure Crackers among them have to admit that the "Justice System" in this country is a SHAM!

During my eight years in residence in the Far Northwest, some of my best friends were Libertarians!
Some were true believers, and as close to non-racist as any whites I have met in my 75 years.  Most, however, are closet White Supremacists -- along with most Liberals that I have come to know.  That explains why the polls show the white vote; the anti-Obama vote is now 85% of all white voters!  Mitch and his Ditch Gang, along with Limbaugh, have done Joseph  Goebbels, and Herman Goering  "Proud"!!

I was invited to speak to some of the Libertarian Party gatherings in the Northwest.  They were impressed by the fact that black street-corner drug pushers could keep, in their heads, all pertinent facts for managing their "business"; and were much better at that, than most "Legitimate" (white, male) businessmen!  All of this, in spite of little or no education!  They were actually on to something -- the only true LIBERTARIANS in the world are those of who, marginalized from all things white, and Christian, are forced to innovate, daily, in order to survive!  Sub-Suharian Africa stands as a monument to the triumph of Western, Christian Capitalism, after 500 years of total domination of everything that moves on that continent!  Ebola is their latest "product", after their "experiment" with AIDS on that Continent??  The end of Apartheid, may be only a "feint" in the direction of their next move??

Liberals are their own worst enemy.  A lot of the white ones,  can be expected to vote for the Repoobs on Tuesday.! They are the most "chicken-sh*t, of ALL chicken-sh*ts we have in this country.  The Haley Barbours of this country may be successful at bullsh*tting themselves and their fellow Sewer State operators, but, that can be chalked up to delusion.  Liberals, on the other hand, are cynical, and conniving, in their operations.  Watch out for these "mines" on the "wrong-track" we're all traveling??

Stay Vigilant!  Time to start planning your post-election strategies.  The road ahead will be hard to fathom!!

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