Wednesday, November 5, 2014

BLACKS: nu-"REBEL(s)" YELL -- in 2014??

A return to "1915", for 2015??
A Re-Run of "Birth of a Nation" (1915)??

With the air of a Klan Rally, reminiscent of the Klan activities of Woodrow Wilson's era (1914),
Crackers of every stripe and across the nation, flocked to their Gerri-Rigged Polls to take back the Senate of the United States.  The "Yell" of these Nu-Rebels was dominant in the MEDIA that
was so instrumental in bringing about the results of the Mid-Term Elections.  The MEASURE of the U.S. Citizenry was delivered; as we feared was coming.  Their frustrations continued to rise; following 6 years of successive defeats at the hands of Barack Obama.  They think they have hm "in a corner" now!  It's obvious that they have also painted themselves deeper in their HARD WHITE RIGHT corners also! 

As Justice Thurgood Marshall warned us all, upon his retirement; the KLAN has traded its White Robes for the Black Robes of our Courts.  Having Conquered the Supreme Court in 2000, the Repoobs now have control of both Houses of Congress for the first time since 2000.  

It is not just "Blacks and Browns" that are in their "cross-hairs"!   Also are Women, Mexicans, all non-white Immigrants (except for their strangely compatible Old-World-Indians), Progressives, Liberals, and the Federal Reserve!  "Bill and Hill" bent their pick on this fiasco.  The "Bubba Machine" failed; BIG TIME!.  This could mean that Hillary won't run in 2016?? 

Blacks and Browns have to learn a new kind of Politics!!!  "Praying and Marching" are ineffective!
Appealing to the Morality of Amoral people is FUTILE!  The Old Confederacy is ascendent and spreading into formerly BLUE States and Regions of our country.  Iowa, Colorado, and, perhaps Wisconsin have become "infected"??  Charlie Rangel was right, a large portion of this country thinks Slavery has not ended, and they can Coerce, Control, Bully, or otherwise manipulate the citizens of the nation the way they traditionally have treated people like Clarence Thomas, Condoleeze Rice, and similar "toadies".  Their vision of our future can be viewed in the Hollywood film; The Help!

We'll have to see aobut that!  The results of yesterday's vote not only told the entire world how many White Supremacists there are in our country; but also, where they're located!  We have to re-adjust our awareness to the presence of these snakes, and behave accordingly.  MONEY brought them to this position, and MONEY is the only thing, besides skin color, that they resonate with.  Given these results; non-whites should seek total INDEPENDENCE from these people and their regimes: financially, spiritually, and socially!  Yesterday's vote showed, without a doubt, that a significant portion of white citizens NEVER intended to integrate their persons, their faith, their economics, or their politics with ANYONE, at home or abroad,  across Color Lines!

Stay Vigilant!  The White Party has "Out"-ed itself!  Be prepared to fight the tyranny that lies ahead!

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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

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