Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Are U a "Mercenary"??

When Little Georgie Bush was asked what we citizens could do to support the Iraq War, his answer was "Go Shopping".  By that action, he turned 99% of the citizens of this country into mindless MERCERNARIES!!  That's getying someone else to fight your battles; usually by paying them.
Those Master Mercernaries, the Conquistadores, did it the old fashioned way!  They negotiated a "percentage" of the new territory in exchange for "converting" any natives found there.  They "converted" at the point of a sword!  Far more died, than were converted!  

Later those "jobs" were "unbundled":  Soldiers did the fithting (Military); Missionaries did the converting; and the Mercenaries, were, at first, the people who paid for the military and the missionaries.  Now, the "mercernaries can be either those who only pay; or also those who take the pay to fight.

Today,  the world faces ISIS, or ISIL, upon a return to "Crusades"; again, a gift from Little Georgie Bush.

Europeans, who profitted mightily, since 1492, from the Conquering, the Enslavements, the Exterminations, and, later the Colonization of non-white peoples after 1492, are, today, having a "Devil" of a time getting other people to do their fighting.  The Christians from Europe (Catholics) now have TWO POPES on the job of holding down the "faithful".  Tough sledding!!

The real threat to the world is the contamination of Religion with Politics in the 21st Century.  Every single individual is involved, like-it, or not!  As warfare and violence become more "Democratized" under the effects of technological advances; Governments are moving toward  new styles of Coercion in the name of Democracy (Israel, Egypt, Russia, the U.S.(?) as examples).  The Muslim Religion is being singled out at a THREAT by Western MEDIA.  The poison of this "religicized" terrorism is spreading widely and rapidly.  Just as ideas are not eradicated by bullets; religions aren't "eradicated" by adopting this new form.  They simply turn sinister!  People lose their right to "choose" their religion -- and the right not to be "forced" in any way by the religion of others.  The sorry history of the African Continent, since the 1940s; when European Colonialism began to unravel, first in India, and then spread to Africa, can be traced to this evolution.
From Ebola, to the lack of clean water, U. S. and European "Interests", through local, highly-paid; Lackeys, are culpable for the current malignant state of AFRICA!

Our precious rights are disappearing slowly.  The Repoobs are the vanguard of this poison in the United States.  Complacency and Ignorance, outside of the South, where is has been cultivated for centuries, are the major "accelerants" of the phenomenon.

Stay Vigilant!  None of these important issues are as "black AND white" as Our MEDIA "paints" them!  Time to Beat our MEDIA into 21st Century "Plowshares"?? 

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