Same GAME : ROUND 2??
O'mara/Trayvon, in Florida, McCollough/Brown in Missouri. Missouri "stepped up the game" eary-on. The Governor of the state stepped in to shield a small, weak, "town", named Ferguson; throwing his ACE, a Black Trooper, in to calm the situation, and buy time. The "High Noon" nature of the gunning-down in the street of an unarmed teenager, required TIME. Time to gather the "facts" and fashion a credible (in their minds) story to 'fit the facts' they gathered. Early indications of their intent were "leaks" to the Media of information, known only to the local Police, that prejudiced the Public in favor of the Killer Cop. Visual Media made it unnecessary to mention the Race of the major participants in the Slaughter. The incredible number of shots fired into an un-armed teenager, who was running away, said all there was to be said. The murdered teen was then left in a pool of blood, lying in the street for several hours, unattended. Animals get better treatment! All of this was meant to send a message; but WHAT?; to WHOM? Are O'Mara and McCollough Provocateurs for some larger Movement in this country?
It took more than 100 days of further "leaks" to a complicit MEDIA, before they were "prepared" to announce their answer to a greiving family seeking "Justice", and a very aroused Public, seeking clarification of many "questionable" events that followed the shooting.
During this interregnum, suspense mounted, and a complicit MEDIA served to exchange vital information, enabling a PROCESS, modified, controlled by Government Officials, and cloaked in secrecy.
The victim was denied, early-on any chance of "peer justice". Instead, every effort and message was concocted to build prejudice within the Public, in favor of the Killer Cop. Last night, well after dark, they dropped their "bomb" in the form of a speech by McCollough; Prosecutor and "Officer of the Law'. He delivered a tortured description of their Secret, Grand Jury Procedure and the Findings that resulted. Knowing well that there were only angry Teens in the streets, the Police waited until enough rage had built among the crowd, and the fires set were large enough to be "good video", before the Police moved in to "restore peace" and Firemen arrived to save, already totalled, businesses. All the markings of a POLICE RIOT.
SHARED INTERESTS were ignored by just about every element of this Saga. The Police claim they acted to protect the property of the small business owners. The Small Business Owners were located in the Community, but obviously alienated from the Community, as were the Cops, and the Firemen.
Businesses in this country have to "get a grip" -- their long-term survival is threatened if the members of the Community return the same level of alienation, to a point where they STOP BUYING from them. So far, members of the Community (Ministers, Social Groups) have not engaged the Business Community; preferring instead to deal with "Politicians". They have not recognized that the life blood of the system is Business, and the sales of goods and services. If Businesses, especially small businesses favored by minorities and immigrants, were ENGAGED in the community sufficiently to protect their business interests, NONE of the ABOVE could HAPPEN!!
Stay Vigilant! Think About It -- a knee-jerk return to marching and preaching will FAIL. Been there -- Done that!
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