Saturday, November 22, 2014

USA: in "Crisis" -- PARTICIPATION "Robbed"??

Why YOU Must Protest to SAVE our DEMOCRACY!!

Every Citizen who wishes to live in our "Participatory"  DEMOCRACY should be "in the streets" in protest over what is happening in Missouri and in our Congress in Washington.  What we're witnessing is the Military Arm of those who have sought, for decades, to whittle away the participation of select-Whites, while returning to the most egregious forms of past Opression for Non-Whites.

When Georgie Bush convinced us all to "Go Shopping", he robbed us of our Participation in the Healing of 9/11, while contributing to the CAMPAIGN of FEAR that has grown until, in 2014,   white citizens were convinced to voluntarily NOT PARTICIPATE in Voting!

The MOB that formed with the "Contract on America" and Newt Gengrich, grew into RED America, returning to Segregation tactics against select-Blacks, Deportation tactics against select-Hispanics,, and gradual impoverishment of Middle and Lower Class whites.  Don't believe, for an instant, that the Republicans did NOT KNOW what they were doing when they Destroyed our Economy in 2008 ("W" probably didn't know ... Cheney ran things).

The "Monkey-Wrench" (in their eyes)  was thrown into their plans with the Election of the Black Man with the Funny Name, as President, in 2008.  Leaders of their "KLAN", McConnell, Limbaugh,
Boehner, in the national Legislature, The Heritage, and other, "Think Tanks" for State House Governorships, and Old Reliable (Clarence Thomas) as the perpetual key to the Supreme Court, guaranteeing a passive "swing vote" of 5-4.  Their goal evidently was to build up from the "rabble" in the Sewer States; spread the RED out West in Governorships; unite with traditional anti-black Ethnics in the cities of the Middle West and Northeast to gain control of the Three Branches of our Federal Government, with the Presidency being the last step.  They even have their Post-Democracy "President" (Cruz) in place when they succeed, like the Nazis in Germany,  to eliminate elections!!

Why all of this? To Govern at a time when whites are no longer a majority in the United States!!  Until they get what they want, Government will be hampered at both the Legislative and Judicial Branches, and at as many Red Governorships they can amass at the State Level.

They do this by eleiminating PARTICIPATION first and foremost.  Why are tanks rolling in Missouri (a German-Catholic Bastion)?  Because only a select "elite" of racist whites have held sway in that state since its founding in 1821.  The Klan is the real  political party there.  Democrat or Republican governors have not strayed from the format.  That explains Jay Nixon ii 2014.  There is a cadre of Black participants (mostly Church Ministers) who have helped maintain this system.  I witnessed this, first hand, for the first 20 years of my life.  Clarence Thomas was "produced" by a  Senator representing Missouri.

Stay Vigilant!  The fight over Immigration will get UGLY!  Oppression for all non-whites; Black, Natives, Hispano, or Asian will be key to Republican Plans for "Governing" what is left of the United States, should they succeed in bringing about the kind of nation evnisioned by the likes of Cruz, Perry, McConnell, Jay Nixon, and similar CRUD leading this turn toward Neo-Naziism!  Social Media is NOT PARTICIPATION!  Learn how to get elected to office -- starting at the level of your Local School Board.  That's how the RED CRUD does it!!  At first -- you DON'T Participate; and then, you CAN'T Participate!

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