Saturday, November 1, 2014

Our "REPUBLICAN" Future??? Guaranteed: "Whites" WON'T Like it!

HEED the Signs! ...
... On the Republican, WRONG Road

Terrible Teddy Cruz of TEXAS told us this week about our future: (assuming, as he does, that the 85% of whites who don't like Obama will hand  the Senate to Republicans on Tuesday).  The few remaining"traditional" Republicans, convinced Jeb Bush to speak out last week; about what is going on inside their Party.  Ted Cruz responded to Jeb,  by announcing that neither Jeb, nor Romney can WIN in 2016.  Ted knows the electoral map for 2016 as well as Mitch knew the electoral map for 2014.  Ted's LIEUTENANTS are in place in the House of Representatives, and more (like Ernst in Iowa) are expected in the Senate!  Republicans don't PLAY games they can't win!  They write the rules, (LAWS) and hold all the money (House of Representatives)!  Two years is enough to FIX the problem of 2016!!

Readers of my earlier BLOGS may remember the story of the family I met when I tutored Geometry to their daughter in Daly City, CA, in 1961.  The father was a common Nazi "Dog-Face" in Hitler's Army, but he was priviliged to live in a new suburb in the USA, where  American Blacks and Jews were excluded!  Before the heat cooled from Nagasaki, Nazis were streaming into the Americas.  Eisenhower, and other top Generals of World War II, enlisted in the racist programs of the U.S. Army to "prove" that Blacks were "unfit" to serve as equal fighters in the Military.  His pick of Richard Nixon as his Vice President set this nation on the "Wrong Track" that has led to our national, and global, predicament today.

The role of  Political Parties -- the province of white males, until 1960, when TELEVISION shattered their power -- shifted dramatically' from the spectacle of McCarthyism, to the "final lock" of Reaganism, and the "coup de gras" of Cheney/Bush!  

"Christianity", in the form brought to the Americas by the Catholic Conquistadors, was, and is, NOT the original version, that originated in AFRICA.  It was re-designed in Rome, after 475 AD, to favor people with white skin.  So long as non-whites remain addicted to what they have been "taught" under duress, by whites; the White-Right has nothing to worry about.  Reagan opened our Diplomatic Door to the Vatican, for the first time in our history.  We've seen more clearly their murky dealings and other shady "finance", since.  Their "sexual" activities are slowing; but becoming more evident, and more costly.  Martin Luther, who brought us the Protestant version of Christianity, was a character that should be examined more closely ; for his peculiar psychological "bent"??

All of these  "Chickens" are assembling on our Planet in 2014.  Pogo should be our guide!  Be prepared for a Constitutional Crisis in the U.S., between 2014 and 2016, should the Republicans win on Tuesday.  The root issue is numbers (population) -- aka, DEMOGRAPHICS.  Wealth has led whites to form smaller families.  There are not enough white males being born to keep their racial infrastructure intact!   Hence, the ABORTION mania, and the RELIGION as Politics turn of the Right.  (it swept in Netanyahu and many Jews, it appears).   Financial Impacts of the dwindling numbers predicament, showed up first in the Savings and Loan bubble of the late 80's, followed by the Tech Bubble of 2000, and reeturned to kill our economy in the "Fannie and Freddie"  Housing  Collapse, in 2008!  Wall Street has been, and still is, firmly in control.  No Doubt: Republicans were their "Hand-Maidens" all the way!

Stay Vigilant!  Most citizens will wish they were of the age, as well educated,  and had the experiences of our Silent Generation.  Pity is;  the whites of the Silent Generation have been  "missing in action" when it comes to defending Democracy and our Constitution!

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