Tomorrow marks a "Come to Jesus" time??
Tomorrow, the Citizens of the United States will be "measured". Some will "report" to the POLLS, and register their Decisions that determine our future path, as a nation. Others will shirk that responsibility and stay home. This will happen across our nation, all income classes, races and colors, and both genders. (Sexual Preference, and Disability status are implied). The impact on all our lives will be PROFOUND! Not since the election of James Polk has our nation been in such peril.
Having failed at beating President Obama at the Polls, (twice), the White-Right comes, yet again, banging their Race and Class drums to defeat his Policies and his Person, by destroying his image; while also taking credit for any of his accomplishments they find they can't overturn. They may well try to IMPEACH him, if they can find at least a "Ham Sandwich" to base the proceedings on.
The overwhelming majority of the citizenry appear to be either too stupid, poorly eductated, or narrowly focused, and bigoted, to know what may be the consequences of those decisions. EVERYONE will register their decision tomorrow, however, whether they VOTE or Stay Home!
Remember, POLLS measure OPINIONS! Everyone seems to have Opinions! They also have Rectums!! The Rectums are more valuable in their roles in support of human life. Not so, for Opinions. Both can emit foul smells; especially opinions, when they are neither based in FACTS, nor, supported by sound REASONING. Without these, we're all left subject to the effects of PREJUDICE! That leads back to our sorry history of Lynchings, Riots and Pogroms, and Civil War. Our political future depends on the outcome of a elaborate system of collecting, selecting, and broadcasting OPINIONS!
Stay Vigilant! Pleast VOTE!! We all deserve an "accurate COUNT", Both sides of the fight against the separate tyrannies we envision, are "lawyered-up" for "post-voting shenanigans"; remember Jeb Bush's "Florida in 2000".
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