As I See It
The Real Message from the MId-Terms came yesterday, when the "Supremes" dropped the "Other s
shoe"?? The Cracke -Right still "OWNS" Clarence Thomas; and they plan to use him for the final blow against Women and Gays. Mitch and John can continue to BLATHER on, and DO nothing! They know Obama won't let them take the actions they want to take CONGRESS! Their REAL goal is to make 2016 "safe" for Jeb Bush (the "good" GOP), while fencing off "Terrible Ted Cruz", the Heritage wing-nut of the GOP. The supreme Court is set to "scuttle" Obama's signature achievement, the ACA (Obamacare). In the process, they will also take another swing at Gay Marriage? Blacks are well on their way BACK to the world of "Booker-T". The Poor; whites, and others, can "suck-it-up"! Remember Moynihan??
shoe"?? The Cracke -Right still "OWNS" Clarence Thomas; and they plan to use him for the final blow against Women and Gays. Mitch and John can continue to BLATHER on, and DO nothing! They know Obama won't let them take the actions they want to take CONGRESS! Their REAL goal is to make 2016 "safe" for Jeb Bush (the "good" GOP), while fencing off "Terrible Ted Cruz", the Heritage wing-nut of the GOP. The supreme Court is set to "scuttle" Obama's signature achievement, the ACA (Obamacare). In the process, they will also take another swing at Gay Marriage? Blacks are well on their way BACK to the world of "Booker-T". The Poor; whites, and others, can "suck-it-up"! Remember Moynihan??
White Women, performed as predicted. White Southern Opposition to Civil Rights, in the 1960s in Congress (were LBJ, along with his side-kick in Skull-duggery, J. Edgar, "complicit"). slipped "women" into Civil Rights legislation, as a "minority"; knowing that, when the time came, white women would defer to their whiteness over their gender. Women can't be a minority! Nature determined that!
We saw the first stage of this in the early 1980s. when Mad Ronnie cowed white women into submission over the ERA. Except for "Wacko's", such as Michelle Bachmann, and Joni Ernst, there's not sufficient "testosterone" among white women, to matter. Non-white women are "up sh*t creek", for depending on white women to lead them to victory over Racism.
Barack Obama's election in 2008, and Coakley's loss in the Massachusetts Governor's Race this year, show that ANY male (including a Black Male) is preferred over Women; for positions or real power! The vote in 2014 (especially the "WHITE-SUPREMACIST vote) echoed that sentiment. Mitch and John will continue to blow hard to get Obama to NOT USE the power that white presidents have used! If the Supreme Court decides to send Obamacare back to this Congress, there is precious little Obama can do about that. Those who would lose their healthcare, however, should be ENRAGED!!
Barack Obama's election in 2008, and Coakley's loss in the Massachusetts Governor's Race this year, show that ANY male (including a Black Male) is preferred over Women; for positions or real power! The vote in 2014 (especially the "WHITE-SUPREMACIST vote) echoed that sentiment. Mitch and John will continue to blow hard to get Obama to NOT USE the power that white presidents have used! If the Supreme Court decides to send Obamacare back to this Congress, there is precious little Obama can do about that. Those who would lose their healthcare, however, should be ENRAGED!!
The Supeme Court is the "Girl that brung the Repoobs to the Dance" in 2000. They may be the final instrument in paving the way for Jeb Bush in 2016. Corporate Power is what the Mid-Terms provided; to replace our Democracy. Whites aim to DOMINATE the growing Global Economy. The Cracker-Element here at home will be in charge of "Over-sseing" what is left of our National Economy. The Poor and others who cannot reach the 1%, will be the new slaves.
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