Saturday, November 22, 2014

REPOOB "B.S.": "Secure Our Borders"

Hispanics (and the rest of us) are being Lied To!!

The Republicans say they want "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" AFTER they "secure" our "Borders".  HELL will freeze-over FIRST!  They think Immigrants are dumber than the Repoob "Base".  Anyone with an I.Q. above 10, who has seen a map of the 50 States, at least once, KNOWS how ridiculous that statement is.  Besides, what Republican wants to claim that General LeMay DID NOT "secure our borders" during the Cold War?  Must we continuously remind them that 9/11 happened ON THEIR WATCH; when "W" was supposed to be IN CHARGE??

We have States with Land Borders only; States with Land and Navigable-Water Borders; and States with Navigable-Water Borders only.  There are, by my count, 16 states with foreign exposure by navigable water; 7 statees by both land and navigable water; and 7 exposed only by land borders.
Of the total 30 states only TWO: Arizona and Texas, are the one's that are Bitchin' the loudest!
Does our Republican Congress intend to come up with a "border security" plan for these 30 states??
Don't bet your ass!! 

So, what is this Repoob Crap, Really, all about?  The borders the Repoob Crud is concerned about is their psycho-social borders that don't permit power sharing with ANYONE who ain't WHITE, and thinks like they think!!  Plain and Simple!  That explains McConnell and Boehner (both Ohio River Rats), all of the Sewer State Crud, and followers of  "reprobates", like of Stanford,  Brigham Young,
and  Fremont.  What we have here, is a pure STRUGGLE FOR POWER!!

Stay Vigilant!  Pull your heads out and PAY ATTENTION!  You're not likely to find answers to your problems in Social Media, OR on the Lame-Stream MEDIA.

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