The Power of MEDIA to DEVOUR
Those who court the "benefits" of MEDIA must also beware its WRATH?? No sooner than the O'Mara/McCollough Legal Trick was "sprung" upon us (aided and abetted by Guv'na Nixon); came the abrupt "Resignation" of Wilson. His "moment" before the cameras was just one interview on ABC; but, it was enough to "reveal" to anyone with a brain, who saw it, what "really" happened on that street in Ferguson, in August. As for Cosby, its like the MEDIA has "backed-up" on him; like a leaky sewer? These "leaks" are strange, and long-withheld; in that they reveal "old-stuff" -- and does so in drip-fashion, Every-other day or so, we get another/ "surprising" claim of rape!
Both Cosby and Wilson have "escaped the clutches" of THE LAW; with the help of MEDIA. Now both are being "burned" by MEDIA. 21st Century MEDIA may prove to be more damaging than nuclear weapons. It depends on whose hands are "manipulating" it?? All Social Media Junkies, who would "kill" to be seen on line, had better pay attention -- remember the moth that flew too close to the flame?? Court it, at your peril!! No Doubt, White America feels that it controls the MEDIA, but that "control group" has too many "faces", and a very erratic "focus".
The MEDIA, over these past several weeks, has revealed several things about our white mind-set, especially how it is easily, and quickly swayed by "viral-trends". Not many of it's "positions" can be foretold. De Tocqville wrote in 1830, about American (U.S.) Whites:
"The men scattered over it" (U.S.) "are not, as in Europe, shoots of the same stock. It is obvious that there are three naturally distinct, one might say hostile, races. Education, law, origin, and external features too have raised almost insurmountable barriers between them; chance has brought them together on the same soil, but they have mixed without combining, and each follows a separate destiny. Seeing what happens in the world, might one not say that the European is
to men of
to men of
other races what man is to the animals?
He makes them serve his convenience, and when he cannot bend
them to his will he destroys them."
Alexis DeTocqueville, DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA, ( pp 316-17)
This observation, made almost 200 years ago, rings true, as we struggle with white attidudes today.
We're witnessing an old, global, phenomenon; in the grip of a highly technological, and global, "communication" tool; manipulated by shallow minds with no regard for any history.
Stay Vigilant! I'm sure we don't have to worry about the future of either Coaby or Wilson. The Black guy has plenty of money, and, I'm sure, the same Hard Right interests who were so well served by this entire debacle, will "take care" of Wilson, as they "took care" of Palin. Whites who are not true followers of race-baiting Republicans, or the "Weird Right", in general, are the real "Losers". They are being "Used and Abused" too!
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