The 21st Century "Challenge" for the World
Don't fall for the MEDIA Mind-F*ck; THIS is the question that people who want to be SAFE, both in their person, and their property, must ponder, hence-forward. Very powerful forces on both sides of this question are arrayed to make sure you stay Distracted! Did you watch "football" this week-end? Shame on YOU!
Our slave-owning and trading FOUNDERS, wrote their answer for this question into our Constitution. Our current "Justices" are striving mightily to turn us all back to that time. Over the intervening hundreds of years, there has been enough blame to go around for keeping this "Bullsh*t" alive. Our latest "refin'd" specimen was "Condi", of "mushroom cloud" and Katrina notoriety.
What we're really struggling with is the "blowback" from what escaped our attention from the NIXON era (he was involved in so much Evil; from the time he managed to remain under Eisenhower). That was the "DEBT BOMB" unleashed on the planet as a result of the Commodity Shocks that took place during Nixon's time in office. As Drucker explained; more money shifted from Western (white) hands to non-Western (colored) hands, than ever before in history; as the Middle East was given vast sums for their oil. They couldn't eat the money, so it rebounded back into Western Money-Center Banks. Then Wriston got the "brilliant" idea of "Loaning" all of that money to Sovereign States. Every tin-horn dictator got rich overnight, and the money, once again flooded back into places like Miami, Los Angeles, and, of course the "usual-suspect" Money-Centers. The DEBT?? It was dropped on to the backs of the poor, in Latin America, Africa, and other pockets of poverty around the globe. We're reaping the whirwind from all of that; as "Foundations" are busy "trading" on the suffering of the poor and enriching their "Trust Babies". Their "Trust Babies" have white skins, so that, with money, assures that they will do better than the poor white slobs who do the dirty work of keeping Color Racism alive. They also "brain-drain" impoverished regions by syphoning off their talent to assist in the "screwing" of the poor--spreading diseases and filth.
The West, with their Propaganda MEDIA machines, running full-tilt, hope to survive the consequences of their declining populations, while directing their remaining wealth to the lucky 1%.
Do you UNDERSTAND why YOU should NOT vote in November for ANY Republican -- if you're not white, and in the 1%?? DO YOU UNDERSTAND why November, 2014 is your LAST CHANCE to save the Democracy that the Roosevelts provided for us in 1945?
Stay Vigilant! Only YOU can determine whether you're HUMAN! From Trayvon and O'mara, to Ferguson, White MEDIA has been busy making your decisions for you. Think MONEY, first, then RACE, and you will understand why the Republicans destroyed our economy in 2008.
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