Sunday, September 7, 2014

"Dedicated", (and focused?) "EVIL" vs 'CRABS-IN-A-BUCKET" ??"

"America's 21st Century 'Dilemma" " ???
From the days when the Conquistadors "slaughtered" their way across the Continents of the Americas; to 2014, when Putin seeks to do the same; across Europe; the old paradigm of 
Race, driven by Religion, and the brutality that required; created and enriched Western Culture.   It may now be "worn out"?? 

The British and French model; for that territory beginning with Texas and points North, vs. the Spanish and Catholic model for Mexico, Central, and South America; embrace two distinct racial and religious models.  Both; Catholic and Protestant Religions (the inventor and implementers of all aspects of Racism) and the Racial Models embraced by both sides of the North/South divide, started coming apart when Toussaint's' Revolt kicked the asses of Napoleon's French Troops in Haiti (while our Founders were still alive), and culminated with our invasion of Mexico in the run-up to our Civil War, mid-century.  Both sides of that divide engaged in slaughtering, or otherwise "disapearing" thousands of tribes of "Natives" who inhabited these lands before Whites arrived in mass numbers.

Let's go back almost 200 years, to 1830, when Alexis de Tocqueville wrote about the "Democracy" he found in the United States.  In the chapter entitled: The  Three  Races That Inhabit the United States,  he observes:

For Republican forms of government in the New World, where trading and commercial activity prevailed; he hazarded no "conjecture" as to the "permanence" of "such a Union".
Republican forms of government are NOT "Democratic".
The "men" scattered over the Union he found in the United States were NOT, as in Europe, "shoots of the same stock".
"It is obvious that there are three naturally distinct, one might almost say hostile, races.
Education, law, origin, and external features have raised almost insurmountable barriers between them; chance has brought them together on the same soil, but they have mixed without combining."

After more than 200 years in existence; The United States has changed very little in this regard, while our State Department "Geniuses" have exported this poison to the PLANET!  Chickens are coming home to roost, both here and in Europe, and the "Finger Pointing" is rampant!

My list of evil actors:  Putin; Republicans in the United States Congress; Netanyahu; ISIS,  ALL "Extremist" Religious Actors among Christians,  Moslems, and Jews; Dedicated Racists in Congress and Financial Markets, who have diligently worked to undermine "Justice" in our legal systems (how do you spell Orin Hatch?);  All others are, mostly,  "victims"; and range from Black, Hispanic, and Native Children, who are, in 2014, hunted down and destroyed; to young-adult males; from South Dakota to Ferguson, MO,  The destroyed children have mostly their parents to blame; for failing to protect them.  Other "Crabs" know who you are; starting with the Democrat Party!: "Crabs" cannot, or will not UNITE; even in the face of incredible HUMAN EVIL!  To expect a hapless, overly-idealistic young half-black man to work "miracles" (against Two Popes working in "Opposition"??) and well-funded Corporate Interests who have abandoned their allegiance to the United States; is INCREDIBLY STUPID!  Are we become a Whining, Greedy, Un-principled, and Scared "Sh*tless,, group of CHILDREN!; in search of a "Savior" Tit!

Stay Vigilant!  If you have an I.Q above 50, you will recognize the TRUTH in this diagnosis!

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