Friday, September 5, 2014

'MONEY" and "ACTIONS" vs. "POSTURING" and "TALK"??


Damn the Lights; Watch the Cars!!  - a punch line in one of Mom's Old Jokes; is very appropriate for the clutch of overlapping crises gripping our entire world today.  She was scolding parents who mislead their children by teaching them to obey signals, while ignoring actions that will harm them!  Our MEDIA  has assumed that job for the "children" of today (most of whom are now entering their sixties?), in the United States.

This is Friday, and the World's "Financial Markets" will be closed for a couple of days.  Plenty of time for Putin to pull his next move?  McCain, who may forever hate Obama for placing him behind history's "eight ball" (the first white male American to lose the Presidency to a BLACK);  has fled to Kiev to provide aid and comfort??  Where is his "stealth uniform"?  The younger half of the Katzenjammers, a mere Sewer State Politician, remains at home, "schilling" for the Malignant Right, as our Mid-Term Elections Approach.

Whichever side wins the MONEY GAME (U.S and Europe vs. Putin and his Allies  in countries around the Globe);  will also win the Contest of Wills between Old Europe and the United States; and the New Russia of Putin's Dreams.  So far, Putin is way ahead on the Action Front!, while  Europe, and Middle Eastern nations continue to "dither".  Like the Malignant Right in the United States,  (both in Congress and on the streets in Ferguson, Missouri);  Putin, and Tea Party followers, are the Most Dedicated, and more clearly Focused!!  Which side wins, depends also on their successes in waging the "Talk: Battle"??  Their Propaganda Mills run constantly!

Israel has claimed, since 1948, that it wishes only to "Survive" in the Middle East.  Their ACTIONS, both at home and within the United States, prove the opposite.  Its now apparent that Netanyahu seeks nothing less than DOMINATION!  The New Egypt appears to have a stronger hand, since their recent Coup.

Malignant Republican's claim to be about staving off Debt Collapse, and providing JOBS, in the United States.  That is only "Talk"!  Their Actions are consistently in search of DOMINATION for "Their" People over all "Others"!!

The MEDIA continues a false dichotomy of "Both Sides" for complex and serious issues confronting us; but, if you watch and listen closely, the list of different Sponsors, for whatever "Talking Head" you hear,  will become apparent, along with that person's (pay or "career") Agenda!

ISIS has sprung on the scene to take up President "W" Bush's early call for "Crusade".  They are applying in 2014 the tactics of the Inquisition of the Early Catholics, or the Tyrannies of the more recent KKK; among our Protestant Christians.  Either way, the world is worse off for the activities of all three Abrahamic Religions (Christian, Moslem, Judaic).

Stay Vigilant!  Where is your WALLET?  Can you stop your employer from stealing your wages?
Better learn how to VOTE Your OWN Interests!!  Remember, COWBOYS "Shoot First"; they fled Civilized Territory (east of the Mississippi) for Lawless Territory (west of Missouri); in 1821!!  They're still there today!

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