Monday, September 8, 2014

is "RED" the New "WHITE"?? 'How Many "Decent' WHITES will remain"BLUE"??

"Full-Court "Press" to save White Supremacy?
What do they have Planned for Obama?

This week starts off with "Mourning Joe" and Mika in a "tear"!  RACE is a text or sub-text of just about all of their "stories" this morning.  Mika finds "Off-Color" "hysterical"; another racist Jew who owns blacks in professional sports is "outed" (self-induced, this time, in a run for the "gold"?); the NBA will kiss the ass of this one, however,  for helping them to keep their Black Players comfortably quiet? 

The are hyping "Denzel" to become the first Black James Bond??  Blacks don't need no Damn James Bond!  They have too many problems with the White One!  The Royals are rolling out more babies to be "worshiped" by "lesser whites", and stupid non-whites, world-wide!  Of course, ISIS, is steadily hyped in white MEDIA, as more dangerous than Putin?  What the HELL are they using for brains??

Christie has returned from a "Foreign Policy" trip to Mexico!  (Not Canada?? Wonder Why?)  Could it be that he went to share the Aversion-to-Blacks; shared by Italians in the U.S.??  They have that in common with the historic Aversion-to Blacks taught to Mexicans by Catholics;  (and to the entire non-white world; for that matter).  

The Character Assassination of President Obama continues full-tilt, throughout the White Media (T.V. Print, and Radio).  The FBP is starting to look like FDR just before he died.  I hope Michelle is paying attention to her husband's health!  Our Fascist Right barely escaped getting caught for using bullets to kill the last President they hated as much as they hate Obama.  If Obama hangs on (he's young enough), they are probably planning to Impeach him; after they "win" the Senate;  and drive him out of office before 2016.

Cracker Voters will make that possible, it seems.  They won't rest until either VOODOO DEATH sets in, or his popularity (poll numbers) joins theirs; in the SEWER!  They are confident, however that white citizens are racist enough to give them what they want!

Stay Vigilant!  If the United States survives as a nation, people with intellect, and courage, of all COLORS, will have to unite to  make it happen!  Cynicism and Racism can collapse great Nations!

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