Thursday, September 4, 2014

"HANGING" SEPARATELY?? .. "Cautionary" Tales??

 "Explosion of "Failed" Government

HOT OFF THE PRESS!  They/re BOTH found GUILTY!!  The Guv'na of Virginia; (if you're in a RED and Republican state, you better look more closely at YOURs) didn't save himself by turning against his wife!  DEFENSE; is indivisible when practiced by a Nation-State, but, when practiced by lower-level governments, or any Government Official,  All Bets Are Off!  Katrina showed us how RACE matters when states provide Defense; Ditto for the State of Missouri, the County of St. Louis, and for Ferguson, MO.  Failure of government can be a tragic event for all involved!  Failure of Governmental Figures to uphold their Oaths of Office, from Congress on down through our Sewer and RED states, spreads Corruption and Terror!

For those states, Government comes from "S-Think Tanks" , like HERITAGE;  and their political arms, like ALEC.  The United States has become a Racial and Religious systems of State and local Failed Governments!! -- not unlike Somalia!  Republicans and their Religious Allies have made "mincemeat" of our Nation.

Putin has been given a clear model to follow.  Nixon started this in the early 50's and Reagan kicked it into ORBIT.  See why the white guys, all HATE, or in some way distrust, Obama so much??

Blacks in phony "Communities" (those who exist in name only; don't Operate like a Community); Cracker Cops who bully citizens - and their fellow cops - shielded by Police Unions; Sewer State Politicians; all of them have to reconsider their BEHAVIORS, used to produce the Cancer we're fighting in our Body Politic.

Stay Vigilant!  Those in the U.S. who think their status within the "white bubble" will keep them safe; should think again!  Massive Firepower in the hands of white dimwits, finger-pointing, hiding behind Institutional Facades (like hundreds of years of "education" for this nation's children) -- NONE of this will continue to work!

Just ask the Guv'na! Which one?  In Texas?, not quite yet; in New Jersey? not yet?  However, there is a sense that a significant part of our citizenry Smells the Rats!  Boehner should, maybe, not be so smug with his "banging monkeys"??  There may be a tide of "Civic Vigilantism" rising in this country??  The Corruption of Public Office; All  Politics;  Every Religion; the Economy; is strangling us all!

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