How Stubborn, and Deadly are Race and Greed?
From my Drucker Notes, I recall his stories about Western Medicine, and how that was a "discriminator" in the rise of the West over Islam. He bemoaned the "Hubris" of Western Medicine, in the wake of their "conquering" Bacterial Infections! His caution was that "Viruses can Learn, and Western Medicine has no defense for that. What if Race and Greed prevent White Males, who think they CONTROL our planet, and every life on it, from working "feverishly" to get ahead of the march of VIRUSES? Their "death clutch" on White Skin control; for pusposes of cornering World Markets -- (GREED), is exactly what is driving the Republican Party in the United States today. They, and their Corporate Backers, think they have the winning combination that will provide them control of Congress this November. The Republican Party rose from the ashes of the KNOW NOTHINGS and WHIGS, as we approached our Civil War.. Shall we RETURN them to that ash bin of History? A vote for them will be a vote to hasten the demise of everyone. Check out the Epidemic of Tuberculosis (TB), an how rapidly that spread over the planet, following World War I.
Our lap-dog, (and Fascist?) MEDIA is pushing the subliminal LIE (message) to the world's whites, that THEY are safe from EBOLA; because they're rich, and white, (and clean). If this virus learns to become "airborne"; like TB; all "bets" are off!!
Stay Vigilant! Live White and Die, or "bet" on a better future than the one the Republicans are offering you?
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