Friday, September 26, 2014


no entiendo!

"Moms"  (Mabley); from her joke in the 1950s:-- meaning, in Spanish, "I don't understand"; says that is the reply she got from Castro, in the Hotel Theresa, in Harlem, when she asked why he brought live chickens into the hotel.  Her reply to Castro;: "I don't intend-ta, either; but I thought I'd ask!"

From the mental-midget-Sheriff of Ferguson, MO,  whose lame "apology" yesterday is designed to lull the "darkies" back to sleep; to "Representtive" Darrell Issa, ; who is "going crazy" along with his fellow Crackers in the House over our first Black Attorney General;  the power of the Cracker Apology, invented by "Bubba Clinton" to give whites a "pass" for Chattel Slavery, is wearing very thin.  Goodell and the NFL may have worn out what little value is left in the Cracker Apology, which simply says "We're Sorry"!  Those who bear the pain, suffering, and deprivations of life and properyt, are expected to ACCEPT it!  Such is the delusion of "Integration or Assimilation" of the non-whites, who try to progress without functioning Communities!!; while failing to see that these "impostors" are 21st century "masks:  for "Extermination and Genocide". Non-whites seek "acceptance and integration" while whites steadily devise ways to keep separate and continue their habits of Discrimination.

The Missouri contingent of this crowd is coming to the apology tactic too late;  the Ohio contingent, Dewine, Kasich, aren't even bothering:  they throw their stinking mess into the lap of the Justice Department.  They admit that the black guy gunned down like a hunted animal inside the Wal-Mart (look at the part of the tape they will let us see) had NO INTENTION to harm Anyone!  He was not Guilty of Anything!  He's dead and the killer cops are protected by our "Justice" System.  Crackers have long believed that ALL non-whites have "sh*t for brains".  The Republican variety has painstakenly demonstrated that belief to all of us, and the entire viewing World during the six years Barack Obama has served as our President.  Trayvon's "intentions", Michael Brown's "intentions"; the thirteen other black males gunned down since the Ferguson slaying, likewise, had NO INTENTIONS??

W.E.B.DuBois, told us in 1903 in Souls of Black Folk , that "THE LAW" is whatever white males say it is!!  that is the key principle underlying JIM CROW, invented here following our Civil War.  The Global Version, practiced throughout Europe, is foundering, as we learn the tremendous costs attached to fighting ISUS with Cold War weaponry!  Charlie Rose recently interviewed the "Leaders: of Egypt, France, Italy, and Iran, about ISUS.  The "white boys" from France and Italy, were clearly wedded to the hubris of the Colonial Period, while the "non-white Leaders"  from Egypt and Iran,were more sanguine regarding ISUS.  Why? because, there is too much MONEY on both sides of this Global Color issue!  The "Dollar Hegemony" of the recent past is quickly fading.  Could this be what Bin Laden meant when he said that 9/11 was intended to "destroy our economy"?  Will we make the mistake of voting for the Crackers in November, only to find out they are "praying for Putin"?? 

Stay Vigilant!  Playing race from both sides may no longer be an option, even for WHITES??  Liberal and "Progressive" whites can no longer hide behind "The Environment".  The Fench Minister is no doubt right when he says there is "no Planet-B"; but Diseases, like Ebola, don't take sides; they kill ANYBODY! they touch.

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