Tuesday, September 2, 2014

"T and E"? The Paradigm for 21ST Century "SURVIVAL"??

How NOT to become Syria??

Mad Ronnie told ut to "Trust, but Verify!";  Our Grand-parents (the GOOD Ones, that is) told us to "Believe only Half of what you "see"; and NONE of what you HEAR!"  Good Advice; but, what if you can't Verify?; What if you are trapped in our MEDIA Madness, where you cant BELIEVE anyone; whether they "screech" at you, or slickly, trick you with the Video??  Hollywood; that Cancer inflicted upon this nation, in the days of "Birth of A Nation";  metastasized under a "driven", racist, " Misery-an", named Disney??

We all live in an expertly "Directed" world, driven by MEDIA.  Politicians, Heads of State, Organized Crime, world Religions -- all are PLAYERS in the Master-Mind-F*ck" that dominates Human Affairs in 2014.  Nation-States are wobbling and may all fall!

Secure, and even RICH people, like many Syrians, became destitute overnight, as a result of what is spreading across our planet!.  Putin is in the act of spreading the Misery that he nurtured under Assad and Netanyahu; to Ukraine.  After Ukraine, he will rule the World (if the Craven Europeans continue to "feed" him).

Readers of this Blog, may remember one in 2011, when I wrote that one of my inspirations is H.L. Mencken? In Mencken's MEMORIAL SERVICE, (from  Prejudices: A Selection, published in 1958, he begins with: "Where is the grave-yard of dead gods?"  THAT is the Question FOR THE 21ST Century!  Warring Religions, digging up ancient blood-feuds, are courting the death of their cultures, and the GODS they invented to sustain those cultures.

As we begin this week; that promises a Summit in Europe, where we might discover whether  President Obama and the United States can induce Europeans to "grow a spine";  perhaps PUTIN can be stopped in Ukraine??

"Di-Fi " is showing the weak knees of "Liberals" in the United States, by back-stabbing President Obama in the throes of grave Foreign Policy threats to our country.  She joins the "Katzenjammers",  in so doing, and provides aid and comfort to our internal national enemies, a.ka., the Tea Party!  The White Right has consistently placed RACE above Country; is "Di-Fi" trying to back Israel??  We should have grown wise to our folly with that nation when they stole our Nuclear Secrets!  Pollard is still in jail; Snowden needs to join him??

Stay Vigilant!  Stay focused on EUROPE!!  Putin owns the Middle East, and is using it, with the help of world Media, as a grand DISTRACTION.  "T and E"; is Test and Evaluate.  It was our ability to excel at T&E that really WON the Cold War!

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