Wednesday, September 24, 2014

"THE PROBLEM IS IN THE MIND-set" ; What do WORDS (really) MEAN??

OBAMA "Fall''s Short"??

Using some of the slick tactics of O'Mara, President Obama, before the UN today, lambasted the failings of MOSLEMS, while remaining silent on those of White-Supremacist Christians!  As Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, new Dictator and Coup-beneficiary of Egypt, told Charlie Rose last night in their interview:  "the problem is in the mind-set".  WHOSE mind-set?  The white voters in the United States, of course!  Obama's mention of Ferguson, MO, can be easily ignored by both white and non-white voters, as we plunge toward our Fate as a Nation this November.  That trail was blazed by Germany more than 80 years ago

The world may lack Harvard educations, but anyone with access to a MIRROR and some COMMON SENSE knows that White-Supremacist Christianity (that Sewer State Conversion that rose in the ashes of our Civil War, and entered national politics under Nixon; and has metastazied, blood-RED, throughout our nation) drives all consciousness in the United States today.  It has re-defined TERROR!  Only non-whites can be "Terrorists"  in their minds.  The Appalachian Cracker being hunted by troops in Pensylvania is White, therefore, no Terrorist!  Same for the Execution-Cop in Ferguson; for Timothy McVeigh; for Zimmerman; there was doubt, for a few days about the Boston Bombers, because they were thought to be WHITE.  How can such stupid people protect themselves from ANYTHING??  

TODAY, the triple threat of Cold War (NBC; Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical) weaponry is "loose" across our planet!  The recent outbreaks (both in AFRICA?) of AIDS and EBOLA show that failure to take on the roles played by Major Religions is a failure to tackle what harbors and spreads our  Root EVILs!  That failure threaten the survival of All Humans.  Failure to face it honestly and with all of our resources, dooms us to catastrophe!  The world is desperately in need of NEW GODS, and NEW RELIGIONS.  Our traditional religions have become corrupted and beyond repair.

Too Many non-whites have become addicted to white skin; preferring those babies to their own!  They easily  fall for anything that comes out of the mouths of white Christians.  That is slowly changing, as the non-white world begins to recognize that no amount of promises of "doing better" from Missionaries, or Foundations, or Western Governments hold much sway.  You can bet Putin understands this.  He's busy inventing a NEW RELIGION for Russians.

Stay Vigilant!  The World is recognizing that JUSTICE, either exists, the same for ALL; or it DOESN'T!!  JUSTICE, like National Defense, is meant to be INDIVISIBLE!  The question is:  What ALTERNATIVES can we use??  Whites place their faith in traditional GUN, and Explosives-power!  Non-whites are too ready to accept vague promises of a "better future"!  Has TIME Run-Out??

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