Tuesday, September 16, 2014

(ebola): "FOURTH HORSEMAN"??

'Apocalypse" in stages?

Whatever your religion, you must know that "apocalypse" can occur at anytime, and in widely varying circumstances.  At home, the "Katzenjammers" (Senators McCain & Graham) have been banging the drums for WAR, the Second Horseman.  The First Horseman, Romney, according to Mormon belief, appeared along with other "also-rans"  in 2012.   They have built the massive  economic and racial Mess that has beset our Country since the rise of "Cheney-Bush" in 2000. http://www.gotquestions.org/four-horsemen-apocalypse.html

The Fourth Horseman; PLAGUE, first sprang on us in Africa in the early 1980s.  At that time, both the United States and the Soviet Union were deeply involved in Germ Warfare.  It is back again, this time in the form of Ebola.  We know the devastation of AIDS, as the politicians played their Hard Right games, assisting the spread and devastation of that disease.  President Obama is stepping forward and committing the United States to lead in the containment and extinction of the Ebola threat before it becomes a world-wide problem.  Will the Hard Right cooperate?  I'm not holding my breath in anticipation.

In 1960, I lived and worked at the U.S. Public Health Service Hospital in San Francisco.  In my classes at San Francisco State, we studied the cases in Eleven Blue Men.,  a collection of stories about  epidemics in the United States (all of them "bacterial" or "chemical").  Our knowledge of Viruses was very limited in those days.   I met an official from Ghana, who was sent by his government to learn Public Health Administration in that country, recently liberated from the grip of Colonialism.  The track record of successive Western Governments, including the United States, can be traced to today's horrific threats of Plague in that part of our planet.  Hopefully, the United States is not "a day too late, and too many dollars, short!!

When public health issues, become EPIDEMIC, it can take "military" measures to get things under control, save lives, and prevent further contagion.

Stay Vigilant!  Continuing our current Right-Wing Madness that encourages  racist, religious, radical, politics spreading into our RED states is courting a wider Apocalypse!!  Those who think that "social distance", and race, can save them from the impact of epidemics -- are sadly mistaken!!

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