Above the "Factional" Din of Cynicism; Racism; Greed; and Insurrection!!
(all wrapped in "Religion??)
Beginning the very night of his election in 2008, the ugly, Right-Wing, Factions, motivated, as described above, have been relentless in defaming; denying; vilifying, defying; and, using more types of "sewage" than can be described in this space; "shutting down" the normal function of these United States of America!! Of the myriad "talking heads" on U.S, media, one can, without trying too hard, DETECT the Agendas of "commentators" and "experts" who spin their various, scripted messages; while stoking FEAR among the most gullible, and racist people in this nation. Now, they have EBOLA to use as a Weapon in their Religious Wars. Don't think, for a moment, that there is a "Right Side" to the two sided "debates" the MEDIA proffers! You have to wonder who is doing "their thing" for their Religion, and who are only "in it" for their "careers, or, the money"! They don't seem to mind putting their Nation, and their personal safety, at risk! Their ugliness was on full display, for the entire world, during the 2012 election campaign.
Now, the "FAT is in the FIRE", for the entire population of our planet: rich or poor, white or non-white, developed, on not-developed! President Obama, slickly "rolled" in our Media by politicians, Corporate Backers, and so-called "Political Parties, is on the RIGHT PATH to find a safe way out of the Morass the World has sunk into, beginning with Dick Nixon, as Vice-President, under Eisenhower! That was when he set this nation on course to equate all interests of oppressed, non-white peoples with Socialism! Cuba, and our relations with that Island Nation was the first post-war victim in our Hemisphere?
Like General Lemay, who defied President Kennedy during the Cuban Missile Crisis (and his following in the CIA?), many more factions today are providing the same stance against President Obama; as they strive to gain control of this country through the ballot box. The MEDIA acts as their "fellow-travelers"??
The Cynicism that President Obama warns against in his speech this morning in Estonia http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2014/09/03/obama-transcript-nato-will-defend-estonia-latvia-lithuania/ has been joined over many decades, with the Racism, Greed, and various criminal exploits engaged in by our "Politicians"; from Johnson, to, Nixon, Reagan, "Two-Bushes", and Clinton! From Burgulary, to Drug Dealing, to Health-Care Scams, to Housing Scams; these b*astards have had a free-"libertarian" hand in destroying this country; while cloaking their deeds in "Religion". The current campaign to stir up fear of ISIS, or ISIL; while deflecting attention from Putin, and his cohorts; should tell any thinking person, all they need to know!!
Stay Vigilant! Will the OPRESSED win? YOU DECIDE!!
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