Sunday, September 14, 2014

KISSINGER ?? : (whose) "WORLD"?? ; (whose) "ORDER"??

Our, New, Type-E-World?
(where "whites" invade any non-white relationship?)

At a time in human existence, when, not only is "A House, NOT a Home"; but "Relationships" are more often DEVOID of any meaning; the "Dreaded HEN-ER_rY", from our generation, returns to the scene!  Unlike the "Henery" of Old, who beheaded wives in London, this adviser to both Nixon and Putin; and everyone else, who wuold listen (and Pay), springs back on the world scene (with a new "book", of course) to fill the void caused by the incredible SILENCE,  of Netanyahu??

Both Kissinger and Netanyahu appear to share their sentiments toward our FBP!  Did "Sterling" rip the cover off their true racial animus?  Will organized sports be able to "contain" that damage?  The "Puddin-head" nature of the Black Southern Mind-Set may be beyond the control of even the mega-empire of Organized Sport?

This country has been on Henry's road since his days of BOTH National Security Adviser and Secretary of State to the Dreaded NIXON.  The world has PAID dearly, as a result: from Vietnam to Iraq and Cheney'W".

From my vantage point, assigned in 1962 to the NSA as an Officer in the United States Air Force, the view has been startling and consistent.  Then, the Military was in the throes of dealing with Truman's Executive Order to "Integrate".  Power for Foreign Affairs rested in the Executive Branch and the State Department.  Nixon, the most Racist of our Presidents (perhaps after Woodrow Wilson) was driven by skin color; more than anything else, in his Foreign and Domestic Policies:  Protect White Privilege at all costs.  Kissinger was the perfect Machiavellian "enabler" (Moynihan contributed his "bit").  But while I served in the Washington D.C. area, events in the State Department (and the C.I.A) trumped anything going on in the Defense Department (remember Kennedy's difficulties with Lemay and other, lesser known Generals, during the Cuban Missile Crisis)  Since that time, we've moved from State to Defense and back, with our "intelligence" disastrously impaired as aresult!  Our "Military" has moved from All-Volunteer- to "Soldiers of Fortune"; and maybe, so has "Journalism?.

Failing to heed FDRs warnings against it; Churchill and our racist State Department plunged head-long back into the direction of Colonialism for the World.  All of our disasters, inside both Defense and State, as well as the White House, have followed in that wake.  From Nixon, to Reagan, to Cheney/"W"; our policies have been consistently "Hell-bent" on "getting it right"; to restore White Supremacy in the World!  Both the United States, and now, Europe, have fared poorly as a result!

Our Domestic Politics have grown steadily more rigid, as our country's "politics: have separated along color lines: leading us to Ferguson, Mo.! Having grown up in Missouri, I remember vividly, when Jews were forced to live on the "black-side" of the Tracks.  They may, or may not have come a long way since; in their zeal to become accepted as "white",   Recent events like the Anti-Semite killing at the Synagogue on the Missouri/Kansas border shows that sentiment in that region toward Jews has changed very little over time; in spite of the "charms" of Netanyahu!  He has steady worked to woo Cheney-and-theBushes, while undermining both Clinton and Obama.

Stay Vigilant!  The Media is too busy trying to clean its own diapers to "inform" anybody!!  You have to, as Goldie Taylor intimated, rely on your ability to "smell" these activities??  In the end, will we ALL come together as KOCH??

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