Wednesday, September 10, 2014

REPOOBS return to "KKK-Past"??

 When Self-Deception, "PR" and MEDIA-hype, "fail"!!

One hundred years ago, when Woodrow Wilson brought "Progressive Racism" to the North; according to the National Review,
our country entered a period, then, when the REAL Political Party was the KKK! It operated sorta-like the Baath Party in Iraq? It was propped up by the Italian Mob and their "vassal"; J. Edgar Hoover.  Hoover was in full power when he later linked up with LBJ, and Richard Nixon.  In the interim, Eisenhower placed Federal Troops in Arkansas, as the Civil Rights Juggernaut began take effect.  After Hoover's death, (and Nixon's Resignation), we got the racism of Reagan (Welfare Queen), followed by the Racism of the "Bushes" (Atwater and Karl Rove). 

Our new hi-tech Media has brought us PROPAGANDA on steroids!  Knowing that nobody reads books or, researches our History, anymore, the T.V. and Print Media (notably Murdoch's WSJ "Poll" this morning onObama's Popularity Ratings) have done a masterful job of waltzing Obama into just about any "corner" they choose.  The're quite "cocky" that white voters will give them what they want in November.

Our heads spin with rapid-fire Media events that have been thrown at us in the past few months:
1.  Murder of non-whites by Cop (NYC and Fersuson); 2.  NFL "PR" implosion, when they read "black greed" wrong and got caught in their obvious lies; 3.  Murder of non-whites by "Average (white) American "standing his ground";  4.  The slick construction of our "Justice" system, wherein white offenders are exonerated in the MEDIA before Indictment, or Trial, has never been easier to implement!!  Got the Picture?  Slam-Dunk, as our "Intelligence" Wizards under Chney/Bush loved to say.

Looks like the Old Race "Ball" will "roll", well into the 21st Century; both at home and abroad; as  Corporate Driven,  Extreme Right Factions seek total control of our Foreign and Domestic Policy for the United States.  If you didn't like the outcome of the Cheney/Bush years (2000-2008); you ain't seen nuthin' yet!

Stay Vigilant!  Tonight's speech to the Nation by President Obama may "seal the deal" as we "progress" from here.  Ignorance, and lack of personal intelligence;  (stupid people), fuel the fires for MOBS!  All of this provides Perfect "Cover" for PUTIN!

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