Why are the "Jiga-boos Jumpin" Today??
Thurgood Marshall's parting message to us concerned the "trade" the KKK was making; switching their White Robes of Terror in the Night, the the Black Robes of Malignant Judges (beginning with Daddy Bush's "selection" of Clarence, Thomas)! The day MAY come, certainly not in my life-time, that we all recognize how Clarence Thomas, and Condi Rice signaled the beginning of the serious downfall this country has suffered since 1991! Conservatives know their "pudd'n-head" Southern Blacks, better than either of them know themselves!
The Gulf War over-shadowed the "pivot" this nation made, under Daddy-Bush, in response to the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989. Just about all of the things we're struggling with today (including ISIS) can be traced back to him. The ultimate Anti-FDR, Daddy Bush, traded in his Blue Blood status among this nations Whites, to become a "f-e-a-lthy Texan" -- for money and a race-based "Conservative" choke-hold on the United States. He summed-up all of the worse events under LBJ, Nixon, Carter, and Reagan, to provide the ultra-complex Mess our planet now faces. Remember, the Arabs got to see, and know all of the details of Abu-Ghraib! We Did NOT!
To see the "pecking order" for Whites in the United States, review Bogardus' Social Distance Measures published in 1926: By RANK; (1) English; (2) American (white); (3) Canadian; (4) Irish; (5) French; (6) German; (7) Swedish; (8) Finn; (9) Russian; (10 Italian. All other types of whites were considered lower in the pecking order at a time when the United States, like today, faced a massive influx of "different" immigrants. All of these were immigrants who entered our Northeast; the usual point of embarcation for European cast-offs. This should help us decipher the various strains of Cracker Mentality, incessantly "blabbed" in our Propaganda Media. It's the Mind-Set of the white voter that holds the answer to whether, or NOT, our Extreme Right gains more control of our Federal Government in November! Where does YOUR Daddy fit in this line-up?
This nation, and the world, switched after 1989, to FINANCE, and away from our old CORPORATE structure. Read up on the "mass-firing" in the paint hangar by McDonnell-Douglas in Southern California. Issa, and other "sludge" in Congress now, drive the Tea Party, and, link back to Wineberger, Heritage, and the Southern California "mafia" that produced Reagan/Bush in the late 70s, in the midst of the Iranian Hostage Scare.
Stay Vigilant! Learn, tell your friends! convince your neighbors -- before YOU wake up RED?? The "thing" in Central Park, today, is a "Global Citizen" thing! Do you know who they are? What they are about? Note: British Accents abound! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_citizens_movement
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