Tuesday, September 30, 2014

"SUBORNING": Mayhem?? That Old "Systems Failures" Excuse??

Mitch, Boehner, Limbaugh, and, more than 6-years of "plotting"
have come to THIS??

While we have been lulled into "accepting" as "politics as ususal";  all the vile, race-laden,  demagoguery of the past 6 years; from every stripe of Republican that has "run" before us;  SURELY, white America is not so scared, or evil, as to tolerate sniper rounds of bullets fired into the living quarters of President Obama and his family!  If we've come to this as a nation, there is precious little left of this country to be to be "taken back", by anybody, in this FAll's election!!  The Sewer State Haters (voters for RED) have won!

Following 9/11, the Anthrax Attacks, and Abu-Ghraib,  a turn-stile of resignations of our "Intelligence" Leaders occurred under Bush/Cheney.  "Systems-Failures" in Intelligence were cited.  They created the largest HOMELAND Security apparatus known to mankind!  That apparatus produced "weapons of mass destruction" assertions, used to prosecute Iraq War plans.

 President Obama, like President Bush, and all Presidents in our history has to rely on the accuracy of the ADVICE that is put before him.  Ditto for advice from the Military Leaders, and, for the Security Protections of the Secret Service.  What in HELL will it take for the citizens of this country to acknowledge there is something VERY SUSPICIOUS going on now ??  This constant retreat to "systems-failure" as a cover for incident after incident, may indicate some  planned, partially-hidden, nvolvement of  intrigue and "oversight-failure"?

Over this prolonged period,  the vitriol has been directed toward the PERSON of the President of the United States!  We know the Anti-Obama campaign of  McConnel and  Lmbaugh began in 2008, during the "Lame-Duck" session of the Bush Administration!  And now, they attack his FAMILY??  NOT ONE REPUBLICAN has spoken in opposition to all of this.  Their Convention in 2012 was an orgy of demagoguery.   We, as a nation, may not be ALL that our enemies say we are; but we're clearly  a lot LESS than we CLAIM to be!

Agencies such as the CIA, FBI, and Secret Service,  have been so badly, and often,  re-constructed, bloated, mismanaged, and open to tampering by politicians, that there is plenty of COVER for behind-the scenes actors who plot, fix budgets, and pull strings.  When layer upon layer of security fails, simultaneously, and the same "explanations" continues to be trotted out for the public; we're purposely blinding ourselves to something much more serious than the "event"! When we allow paid and scripted  "talking  heads" in our MEDIA inject their opinions, the propaganda takes over.

 It's probably safe to conclude that the real culprits are those elected officials, (and their financial backers) who are protected by Gerrymandering.  WE can fix that!! -- you know?

Stay Vigilant!  Are we in some kind of undeclared, stealth, WAR here at home?  YOUR best weapon to defend yourself and your country is YOUR VOTE.

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