Monday, September 29, 2014

"EVERYBODY" against "Everybody" ??

Keep Your "Eye on the Ball"??

As Fall arrives, slowly, and September fades, we awake this morning to what smells like a small Panic among the Money Boys!  Nobody seems to quite know why!  Is it a buying opportunity?

Hong Kong becomes a "thorn in the paw" of China; Israel is about to "sh*t bricks" over what's happening in Iraq; their political "toadies" in Congress don't know whether to "Sh*t or go blind"!
Beohner, the Grand Cracker Architect in our House of Representatives, is ready to call Congress back into session, today, when he was against that on Friday, as the markets closed on an up note.  Obama flew too close to the Sun over the weekend; (our stinkin' MEDIA).  Too bad he doesn't have a Ranch to escape to, like "W", when things boil over.  Even Hill and Bill have a tiny shield to hide behind.

White Money, and white Crackers, alike, can't trust the ARABS to handle their own affairs!  Yet, the best "Leadership" they can produce is the Sheriff of Ferguson, and, Goodell of the NFL??

"Somebody" has to put "Boots on the Ground" in Iraq, but NOT the boots of rich kids from the U.S., of course.  Poor kids are too hungry, ignorant, or untrustworthy, thanks to our Crackers in Control, to fill the bill.  So WHO?  Do we smell a DRAFT coming?

Thirty-some days until the Big Election, that the White Right thinks you're too stupid to Vote in; and the real deal  (not the polls) seems to be uust getting started.  Do we get  Dictators in Power, like the Brown Shirts in Germany produced  the last time the World was in a bind like this?  YOUR Decision!!  Will you get off your ass, and VOTE!!  Will you take your neighbor with you??

Stay Vigilant!  Did you see Mourning Joe's rant in SUPPORT of David Koch, this morning.  I guess we know who "butters his butt"??  Don't be fooled into throwing away YOUR Democracy!!

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