Tuesday, September 30, 2014

"SUBORNING": Mayhem?? That Old "Systems Failures" Excuse??

Mitch, Boehner, Limbaugh, and, more than 6-years of "plotting"
have come to THIS??

While we have been lulled into "accepting" as "politics as ususal";  all the vile, race-laden,  demagoguery of the past 6 years; from every stripe of Republican that has "run" before us;  SURELY, white America is not so scared, or evil, as to tolerate sniper rounds of bullets fired into the living quarters of President Obama and his family!  If we've come to this as a nation, there is precious little left of this country to be to be "taken back", by anybody, in this FAll's election!!  The Sewer State Haters (voters for RED) have won!

Following 9/11, the Anthrax Attacks, and Abu-Ghraib,  a turn-stile of resignations of our "Intelligence" Leaders occurred under Bush/Cheney.  "Systems-Failures" in Intelligence were cited.  They created the largest HOMELAND Security apparatus known to mankind!  That apparatus produced "weapons of mass destruction" assertions, used to prosecute Iraq War plans.

 President Obama, like President Bush, and all Presidents in our history has to rely on the accuracy of the ADVICE that is put before him.  Ditto for advice from the Military Leaders, and, for the Security Protections of the Secret Service.  What in HELL will it take for the citizens of this country to acknowledge there is something VERY SUSPICIOUS going on now ??  This constant retreat to "systems-failure" as a cover for incident after incident, may indicate some  planned, partially-hidden, nvolvement of  intrigue and "oversight-failure"?

Over this prolonged period,  the vitriol has been directed toward the PERSON of the President of the United States!  We know the Anti-Obama campaign of  McConnel and  Lmbaugh began in 2008, during the "Lame-Duck" session of the Bush Administration!  And now, they attack his FAMILY??  NOT ONE REPUBLICAN has spoken in opposition to all of this.  Their Convention in 2012 was an orgy of demagoguery.   We, as a nation, may not be ALL that our enemies say we are; but we're clearly  a lot LESS than we CLAIM to be!

Agencies such as the CIA, FBI, and Secret Service,  have been so badly, and often,  re-constructed, bloated, mismanaged, and open to tampering by politicians, that there is plenty of COVER for behind-the scenes actors who plot, fix budgets, and pull strings.  When layer upon layer of security fails, simultaneously, and the same "explanations" continues to be trotted out for the public; we're purposely blinding ourselves to something much more serious than the "event"! When we allow paid and scripted  "talking  heads" in our MEDIA inject their opinions, the propaganda takes over.

 It's probably safe to conclude that the real culprits are those elected officials, (and their financial backers) who are protected by Gerrymandering.  WE can fix that!! -- you know?

Stay Vigilant!  Are we in some kind of undeclared, stealth, WAR here at home?  YOUR best weapon to defend yourself and your country is YOUR VOTE.

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Monday, September 29, 2014

"EVERYBODY" against "Everybody" ??

Keep Your "Eye on the Ball"??

As Fall arrives, slowly, and September fades, we awake this morning to what smells like a small Panic among the Money Boys!  Nobody seems to quite know why!  Is it a buying opportunity?

Hong Kong becomes a "thorn in the paw" of China; Israel is about to "sh*t bricks" over what's happening in Iraq; their political "toadies" in Congress don't know whether to "Sh*t or go blind"!
Beohner, the Grand Cracker Architect in our House of Representatives, is ready to call Congress back into session, today, when he was against that on Friday, as the markets closed on an up note.  Obama flew too close to the Sun over the weekend; (our stinkin' MEDIA).  Too bad he doesn't have a Ranch to escape to, like "W", when things boil over.  Even Hill and Bill have a tiny shield to hide behind.

White Money, and white Crackers, alike, can't trust the ARABS to handle their own affairs!  Yet, the best "Leadership" they can produce is the Sheriff of Ferguson, and, Goodell of the NFL??

"Somebody" has to put "Boots on the Ground" in Iraq, but NOT the boots of rich kids from the U.S., of course.  Poor kids are too hungry, ignorant, or untrustworthy, thanks to our Crackers in Control, to fill the bill.  So WHO?  Do we smell a DRAFT coming?

Thirty-some days until the Big Election, that the White Right thinks you're too stupid to Vote in; and the real deal  (not the polls) seems to be uust getting started.  Do we get  Dictators in Power, like the Brown Shirts in Germany produced  the last time the World was in a bind like this?  YOUR Decision!!  Will you get off your ass, and VOTE!!  Will you take your neighbor with you??

Stay Vigilant!  Did you see Mourning Joe's rant in SUPPORT of David Koch, this morning.  I guess we know who "butters his butt"??  Don't be fooled into throwing away YOUR Democracy!!

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Sunday, September 28, 2014

EBOLA: Viruses can "LEARN"; while PEOPLE Can't??

How Stubborn, and Deadly are Race and Greed?

From my Drucker Notes, I recall his stories about Western Medicine, and how that was a "discriminator" in the rise of the West over Islam.  He bemoaned the "Hubris" of Western Medicine, in the wake of their "conquering" Bacterial Infections!   His caution was that "Viruses can Learn, and Western Medicine has no defense for that.  What if Race and Greed prevent White Males,  who think they CONTROL our planet, and every life on it, from working "feverishly" to get ahead of the march of VIRUSES?  Their "death clutch" on White Skin control;  for pusposes of cornering  World Markets -- (GREED), is exactly what is driving the Republican Party in the United States today.  They, and their Corporate Backers,  think they have the winning combination that will provide them control of Congress this November.  The Republican Party rose from the ashes of the KNOW NOTHINGS and WHIGS, as we approached our Civil War..  Shall we RETURN them to that ash bin of History?  A vote for them will be a vote to hasten the demise of everyone.  Check out the Epidemic of Tuberculosis (TB), an how rapidly that spread over the planet, following World War I.

Our lap-dog, (and Fascist?) MEDIA is pushing the subliminal  LIE (message) to the world's whites, that THEY are safe from EBOLA; because they're rich, and white, (and clean).  If this virus learns to become "airborne"; like TB; all "bets" are off!!  

Stay Vigilant!  Live White and Die, or "bet" on a better future than the one the Republicans are offering you?

Copyright © 2014:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Saturday, September 27, 2014

HOLDER: Judge MARSHALL'S "TRIUMPH" over the Bush(es)??

Why are the "Jiga-boos Jumpin" Today??

Thurgood Marshall's parting message to us concerned the "trade" the KKK was making; switching their White Robes of Terror in the Night, the the Black Robes of Malignant Judges (beginning with Daddy Bush's "selection" of Clarence, Thomas)!  The day MAY come, certainly not in my life-time, that we all recognize how Clarence Thomas, and Condi Rice signaled the beginning of the serious downfall this country has suffered since 1991!  Conservatives know their "pudd'n-head" Southern Blacks, better than either of them know themselves!

The Gulf War over-shadowed the "pivot" this nation made, under Daddy-Bush, in response to the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989.  Just about all of the things we're struggling with today (including ISIS) can be traced back to him.  The ultimate Anti-FDR, Daddy Bush,  traded in his Blue Blood status among this nations Whites, to become a "f-e-a-lthy Texan" -- for money and a race-based "Conservative" choke-hold on the United States.  He summed-up all of the worse events under LBJ, Nixon, Carter, and Reagan, to provide the ultra-complex Mess our planet now faces.  Remember, the Arabs got to see, and know all of the details of Abu-Ghraib!  We Did NOT!  

To see the "pecking order" for Whites in the United States, review Bogardus' Social Distance Measures published in 1926: By RANK; (1) English; (2) American (white); (3) Canadian; (4) Irish; (5) French; (6) German; (7) Swedish; (8) Finn; (9) Russian; (10 Italian.   All other types of whites were considered lower in the pecking order at a time when the United States, like today, faced a massive influx of "different" immigrants.  All of these were immigrants who entered our Northeast; the usual point of embarcation for European cast-offs.  This should help us decipher the various strains of Cracker Mentality, incessantly "blabbed" in our Propaganda Media.  It's the Mind-Set of the white voter that holds the answer to whether, or NOT, our Extreme Right gains more control of our Federal Government in November!  Where does YOUR Daddy fit in this line-up? 

This nation, and the world, switched after 1989, to FINANCE, and away from our old CORPORATE structure.  Read up on the "mass-firing" in the paint hangar by McDonnell-Douglas in Southern California.  Issa, and other "sludge" in Congress now, drive the Tea Party, and, link back to Wineberger, Heritage, and the Southern California "mafia" that produced Reagan/Bush in the late 70s, in the midst of the Iranian Hostage Scare.

Stay Vigilant!  Learn, tell your friends! convince your neighbors -- before YOU wake up RED??  The "thing" in Central Park, today, is a "Global Citizen" thing!  Do you know who they are? What they are about? Note:  British Accents abound!  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_citizens_movement

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Friday, September 26, 2014


no entiendo!

"Moms"  (Mabley); from her joke in the 1950s:-- meaning, in Spanish, "I don't understand"; says that is the reply she got from Castro, in the Hotel Theresa, in Harlem, when she asked why he brought live chickens into the hotel.  Her reply to Castro;: "I don't intend-ta, either; but I thought I'd ask!"

From the mental-midget-Sheriff of Ferguson, MO,  whose lame "apology" yesterday is designed to lull the "darkies" back to sleep; to "Representtive" Darrell Issa, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/tag/darrell-issa-benghazi/ ; who is "going crazy" along with his fellow Crackers in the House over our first Black Attorney General;  the power of the Cracker Apology, invented by "Bubba Clinton" to give whites a "pass" for Chattel Slavery, is wearing very thin.  Goodell and the NFL may have worn out what little value is left in the Cracker Apology, which simply says "We're Sorry"!  Those who bear the pain, suffering, and deprivations of life and properyt, are expected to ACCEPT it!  Such is the delusion of "Integration or Assimilation" of the non-whites, who try to progress without functioning Communities!!; while failing to see that these "impostors" are 21st century "masks:  for "Extermination and Genocide". Non-whites seek "acceptance and integration" while whites steadily devise ways to keep separate and continue their habits of Discrimination.

The Missouri contingent of this crowd is coming to the apology tactic too late;  the Ohio contingent, Dewine, Kasich, aren't even bothering:  they throw their stinking mess into the lap of the Justice Department.  They admit that the black guy gunned down like a hunted animal inside the Wal-Mart (look at the part of the tape they will let us see) had NO INTENTION to harm Anyone!  He was not Guilty of Anything!  He's dead and the killer cops are protected by our "Justice" System.  Crackers have long believed that ALL non-whites have "sh*t for brains".  The Republican variety has painstakenly demonstrated that belief to all of us, and the entire viewing World during the six years Barack Obama has served as our President.  Trayvon's "intentions", Michael Brown's "intentions"; the thirteen other black males gunned down since the Ferguson slaying, likewise, had NO INTENTIONS??

W.E.B.DuBois, told us in 1903 in Souls of Black Folk , that "THE LAW" is whatever white males say it is!!  that is the key principle underlying JIM CROW, invented here following our Civil War.  The Global Version, practiced throughout Europe, is foundering, as we learn the tremendous costs attached to fighting ISUS with Cold War weaponry!  Charlie Rose recently interviewed the "Leaders: of Egypt, France, Italy, and Iran, about ISUS.  The "white boys" from France and Italy, were clearly wedded to the hubris of the Colonial Period, while the "non-white Leaders"  from Egypt and Iran,were more sanguine regarding ISUS.  Why? because, there is too much MONEY on both sides of this Global Color issue!  The "Dollar Hegemony" of the recent past is quickly fading.  Could this be what Bin Laden meant when he said that 9/11 was intended to "destroy our economy"?  Will we make the mistake of voting for the Crackers in November, only to find out they are "praying for Putin"?? 

Stay Vigilant!  Playing race from both sides may no longer be an option, even for WHITES??  Liberal and "Progressive" whites can no longer hide behind "The Environment".  The Fench Minister is no doubt right when he says there is "no Planet-B"; but Diseases, like Ebola, don't take sides; they kill ANYBODY! they touch.

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Thursday, September 25, 2014

BLACKS: (must learn?) RACE-economics -2014

'OHIO "reverts" to DIXIE??

Ohio, that state that cursed the United States with Rutherford B. Hayes, the President who set the "cornerstone" for JIM CROW; our first "make-over" for Chattel Slavery that followed our Civil War.
Today, it's DeWine in the North, and Boehner, in the South; of that state, who are "double-teaming" the United States with Race-Economics-2014.   President Obama's speech before the United Nations yesterday laid bare the complex global economics of race, religion, sectarianism and pure Hate this history has produced.  Ohio, our only state with its head in Canada, and its ass in Dixie, is quixotic in its history on racial matters.  (Don't forget Kent State!)

In 1954, I was a Sophomore in High School, in Misery, when my Grandfather explained Race Economics to me.  I was scared, because the Crackers were threatening to close down Hubbard High School and force all black children "across the tracks" to white schools.  My grandfather explained why Race worked the way it did, in that place, and at that time.  He calmed my fears about being displaced, by explaining that the goal of the Crackers was to destroy the link between black parents and their children (as they have, with the help of Jewish Teachers Unions -- that goal has been met).  They would start, he said, with primary grades, because those black minds were most easily "conditioned" (ditto).

He explained that White Cops, who told us to our faces that the only "Good N*gger was a DEAD one", and, "We' want you to Kill each other" are expertly achieving that goal through Execution-Cops who enjoy the cover of secret Grand Juries.  If you watch the tape of the black male who was gunned down on sight in the Wal-Mart in Ohio, you will see, graphically, how well their plan has worked over the past 70 years.  That poor black male never knew what "hit him"??  He obviously was one of Mark Twain's "Puddin'-Heads"??

After the Commodity Shocks of 1973, the non-white world was infused (in the Middle East) with more money than they could dream of.  They took it and jumped deeper in bed with Europe and the United States, playing both sides of the, by then, Global Color Line, touted by Maggie Thatcher and Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.   Europe benefitted in more ways than can be counted by our JIM CROW system and replicated it, both in AFRICA, and Latin America (Cuba, especially).  Catholics invented an earliers race system in Mexico, that the rest of Europe and the United States modified.

Today, the entire world is stuck in a Quagmire, bleeding both blood and treasure, struggling to survive the multiple disasters that have piled up over time.  

If you have consulted your MIRROR, and recieved a non-white result; you might take heed also.
There is a blueprint before us that will stretch ahead in time; for as long as whites are scared enough to continue crawling before EVIL;  and searching in vain for others to fight, die, and PAY BILLS, for them.

Stay Vigilant!  Learn Baby, Learn!  Making noises on street corners only reveals the fact that your heads are empty of FACT, and too full of RELIGION!

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

"THE PROBLEM IS IN THE MIND-set" ; What do WORDS (really) MEAN??

OBAMA "Fall''s Short"??

Using some of the slick tactics of O'Mara, President Obama, before the UN today, lambasted the failings of MOSLEMS, while remaining silent on those of White-Supremacist Christians!  As Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, new Dictator and Coup-beneficiary of Egypt, told Charlie Rose last night in their interview:  "the problem is in the mind-set".  WHOSE mind-set?  The white voters in the United States, of course!  Obama's mention of Ferguson, MO, can be easily ignored by both white and non-white voters, as we plunge toward our Fate as a Nation this November.  That trail was blazed by Germany more than 80 years ago

The world may lack Harvard educations, but anyone with access to a MIRROR and some COMMON SENSE knows that White-Supremacist Christianity (that Sewer State Conversion that rose in the ashes of our Civil War, and entered national politics under Nixon; and has metastazied, blood-RED, throughout our nation) drives all consciousness in the United States today.  It has re-defined TERROR!  Only non-whites can be "Terrorists"  in their minds.  The Appalachian Cracker being hunted by troops in Pensylvania is White, therefore, no Terrorist!  Same for the Execution-Cop in Ferguson; for Timothy McVeigh; for Zimmerman; there was doubt, for a few days about the Boston Bombers, because they were thought to be WHITE.  How can such stupid people protect themselves from ANYTHING??  

TODAY, the triple threat of Cold War (NBC; Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical) weaponry is "loose" across our planet!  The recent outbreaks (both in AFRICA?) of AIDS and EBOLA show that failure to take on the roles played by Major Religions is a failure to tackle what harbors and spreads our  Root EVILs!  That failure threaten the survival of All Humans.  Failure to face it honestly and with all of our resources, dooms us to catastrophe!  The world is desperately in need of NEW GODS, and NEW RELIGIONS.  Our traditional religions have become corrupted and beyond repair.

Too Many non-whites have become addicted to white skin; preferring those babies to their own!  They easily  fall for anything that comes out of the mouths of white Christians.  That is slowly changing, as the non-white world begins to recognize that no amount of promises of "doing better" from Missionaries, or Foundations, or Western Governments hold much sway.  You can bet Putin understands this.  He's busy inventing a NEW RELIGION for Russians.

Stay Vigilant!  The World is recognizing that JUSTICE, either exists, the same for ALL; or it DOESN'T!!  JUSTICE, like National Defense, is meant to be INDIVISIBLE!  The question is:  What ALTERNATIVES can we use??  Whites place their faith in traditional GUN, and Explosives-power!  Non-whites are too ready to accept vague promises of a "better future"!  Has TIME Run-Out??

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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

the "CAVALRY" is "ARAB"; in 2014

Is our FBP; also, our (new) "FDR"??

The  SAME "VILE faction" (Southern-drawl; Racist-to-the-bone) that reviled FDR; (and whose "contempt" he welcomed) is, again, coming perilously close, as in 1941, to preventing the rescue of Europe.They hope to provide aid and comfort to Putin in his current attempt to destroy Europe.
Europe has no "Churchill" today.  It is too soft and too racist to help itself.  Putin is waiting on the Winter to exact his coup?

Make no mistake about it; those in this world who are not INCREDIBLY STUPID, know that the real target in Syria is no Assad, or ISUS:  IT IS PUTIN!  You can be reassured, if you sometimes wonder if the KGB invaded our "Intelligence" apparatus when Cheney/Bush ascended (assisted by our Supreme Court) in 2000.  Even our "Pepetual Internal Traitors" would not have dreamed of chanpioning Stalin in efforts to keep us out of World War II.

Of course, FDR did not face insurmountable hobbles of RACE-laden GREED, in our incurably racist and greedy country.  FEAR switched to FDR's side, courtesy of the Japanese and their sneak attack on Pearl Harbor.  The rest, as they say, is HISTORY (our Millenials have no use for History -- they make it up as they go along).  FDR had Elaenor to handle his "Race Issues"; freeing his hands to out-wit and out-play the Crackers.  The Crackers have since spread their RED poison, propelled by "Christianity", all over the United States, today; and they expect to WIN in November.  We can only blame ourselves if that happpens.

Stay Vigilant!  Having failed to win the day for their arms merchants and "soldiers" of fortune who profit in the Media and elsewhere, the Malignant Right Republicans are flailing to find a "message" to float.

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Monday, September 22, 2014

Is the PRESIDENT (and our country) "SAFE"??

Diaz-Balart "weighs-in"

Cuban-American (florida-born) animus weighs in daily on MSNBC;  providing comfort to "Mourning Joe" and his associates (Andrea Mitchell, too?), as they keep up the steady drip of anti-Obama "News".  We are only 43 days away from the GREAT "Decision" of voters, as to whether the Republicans and their Corporate-Handlers will take full control of Congress.  Even Democrats are running like scared rabbits away from the President.  (Bill and Hill have joined the pack of "runners").

The Physical Safety of the White House is what Diaz-Balart featured today.  Seems like the list of "lapses" within our Secret Service grows longer, and more dangerous.  Is Congress behind this?  Who funds and pulls the strings of the Secret Service??

Stay Vigilant!  The Extreme Right forces on the Planet are playing HARD Ball, while the voters watch Goodell and the NFL?  Check out the 40-year TAX HOLIDAY for the NFL the stupid voters are paying for!  "Joe" and "Andrea" claimed not to "Know"!! Why are they on TV??

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Sunday, September 21, 2014

WHO? is "HUMAN"?? and, WHO "Ain't"?? -- WHO Decides?

The 21st Century "Challenge" for the World

Don't fall for the MEDIA Mind-F*ck; THIS is the question that people who want to be SAFE, both in their person, and their property, must ponder, hence-forward.  Very powerful forces on both sides of this question are arrayed to make sure you stay Distracted!  Did you watch "football" this week-end?  Shame on YOU!

Our slave-owning and trading FOUNDERS, wrote their answer for this question into our Constitution.  Our current "Justices" are striving mightily to turn us all back to that time.  Over the intervening hundreds of years, there has been enough blame to go around for keeping this "Bullsh*t" alive.  Our latest "refin'd" specimen was "Condi", of "mushroom cloud" and Katrina notoriety.

What we're really struggling with is the "blowback" from what escaped our attention from the NIXON era (he was involved in so much Evil; from the time he managed to remain under Eisenhower).  That was the "DEBT BOMB" unleashed on the planet as a result of the Commodity Shocks that took place during Nixon's time in office.  As Drucker explained; more money shifted from Western (white) hands to non-Western (colored) hands, than ever before in history; as the Middle East was given vast sums for their oil.  They couldn't eat the money, so it rebounded back into Western Money-Center Banks.  Then Wriston got the "brilliant" idea of "Loaning" all of that money to Sovereign States.  Every tin-horn dictator got rich overnight, and the money, once again flooded back into places like Miami, Los Angeles, and, of course the "usual-suspect" Money-Centers.  The DEBT?? It was dropped on to the backs of the poor, in Latin America, Africa, and other pockets of poverty around the globe.  We're reaping the whirwind from all of that; as "Foundations" are busy "trading" on the suffering of the poor and enriching their "Trust Babies".  Their "Trust Babies" have white skins, so that, with money, assures that they will do better than the poor white slobs who do the dirty work of keeping Color Racism alive.  They also "brain-drain" impoverished regions by syphoning off their talent to assist in the "screwing" of the poor--spreading diseases and filth.

The West, with their Propaganda MEDIA machines, running full-tilt, hope to survive the consequences of their declining populations, while directing their remaining wealth to the lucky 1%.
Do you UNDERSTAND why YOU should NOT vote in November for ANY Republican -- if you're not white, and in the 1%??  DO YOU UNDERSTAND why November, 2014 is your LAST CHANCE to save the Democracy that the Roosevelts provided for us in 1945?

Stay Vigilant!  Only YOU can determine whether you're HUMAN!  From Trayvon and O'mara, to Ferguson, White MEDIA has been busy making your decisions for you.  Think MONEY, first, then RACE, and you will understand why the Republicans destroyed our economy in 2008.

Copyright © 2014:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Saturday, September 20, 2014


Goodell: "Finger in the Dike"??

What the Big Money, White-Male-Dominated World, should worry most about today is not ISUS; it is the fact that Goodell Just MIGHT awaken the biggest sleeping GIANT in the world:  Those in the Americas who have Black ancestry and who are not ashamed of it -- in any way!!  If that population awakens from the combined drugs of "passing"; religion;  money; "acceptance";  "success"; and "being somebody"; then, perhaps, the age-old dreams of "Freedom and Justice" will come true for ALL  Until then, it will be the same old crap, different day!  The stop gaps of Martin and Mandela seem to have worn off!  The White-Right "pivoted" too late?

The NFL is arrogant enough, rich enough, and powerful enough to tip over the HONEY POT of white power and wealth on this planet!  After more than 500 years of very skillfully manipulating race and religion to their economic advantage, Europeans are close to the non-white opressed "catching on".  Jonestown didn't quite do the trick, it appears.

Social Media and Cold War Technology has made it possible for the poor of the world to inform themselves and take action to ensure an end to the systematic economic exploitation that has been their "chains" since the Catholics invented "Raices" in Mexico in the 1500s.  Time to wake up and put an end to the EVIL??  It could save the world a great deal of blood-shed!  European money and gun-running, are already spreading its poison in Africa and the Middle East.  Putin is sharpening his version of these methods for Eastern Europe, first, then all of Europe.  Watch the FDR series to learn the details of the run-up to World War II in the United States and in the Americas.  Hitler's greatest support was OVER HERE!  That sentiment is still lurking "in the Bushes", I'm afraid.

The Key:  Black Women.  It was a Black Woman's "whuppin" that started all of this.  She thought she had the "privacy" of the elevator.  When will people learn that technology has destroyed the entire notion of "Privacy"!!  "Secrecy" will follow in its wake.  We're all living inside each other's "farts", today!  Timing is everything.  Is "time" on the side of the NFL?  Only Blacks in the Americas can decide that answer.  Blacks should learn SPANISH ("good" Spanish, that is) so they can communicate with the original Black Americans??  They are still here, hidden in pockets throughout North America, South America, Central America, and the Caribbean.  Get to know your neighbors and your ancestors.  Maybe, one day the whites in this country will stop lying about their lineage?? 

Goodell:  Master "Overseer:  Owners: MASSA'S; Players: Slaves;  Sponsors; Enablers!   As Rome fell, it turned to BREAD and CIRCUSES!.  Greedy (white) Financial Boys have already removed the "Bread"??  We're left with only the GAMES??  Don't focus on the size of the CONTRACTS; check out what Players have to do to get PAID!! (only by games they play)!

Stay Vigilant!  Care about your Environment? Your Paycheck? Your Kid's future, your family's Safety?  They YOU have a stake in all of this too!  It's always a good time for people to WAKE UP.  PR is being stretched to its limits.  There may be no BAG big enough to cover all of this Crap.

Copyright © 2014:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

Friday, September 19, 2014

GOODELL: "CAUGHT" Between Too Many "Competing Interests"??

Interest Number ONE:  Goodell?

Since their rapid rise in power; at the expense of Black America, and its Civil Rights Movement; WHITE Women, are the "go-to" source for cover; when White Males get their "dangs in a whang"??

Goodell, twisting in the wind in his Press Conference today; beseiged by mostly white male inquisitors, seemed determined to  point fingers at "state Laws'' conflicting legal processes; NFL beaureaucracy; the Owners, etc., .. the list is long.  Goodell is not quitting (he says).  Looks like the Owners, Sponsors, white male fans, all want him to stay (for now).  What about Black Women who are the "battered subjects" in this issue?  White females are notorious over the past five decades, in their efforts to ignore or "slow-roll" any issues that involve both females and race.  (I'm sure Bill and Hill are paying scrupulous attention to the way this stupendous "screw-up" by the NFL is handled:  2016 could turn on this??)  The REAL question is: what do young Black Females think about this??

To be pitied, are the Black football players.  They're clearly "chattel" in the eyes of Goodell, the Owners, and the Sponsors.  Buckle your Seat Belts!  This Fight is no way near OVER.  

Lisa Friel, is the "white-skirt" fingered by Goodell as their Advisor in this scandal.  She has been criticized as acting as an "unwitting cog" in her work in this  line. http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/football/flag-new-nfl-aide-roger-goodell-criminal-adviser-ripped-abuse-probe-article-1.1942380

Stay Vigilant!  Are we witnessing the unveiling of  methods white elites will employ to protect their black "financial" interests?  Who cares! about the Financial Interest of this country's BLACKS??

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"Mourning-Joe" Future??

Burns, in his series on the Roosevelts, notes how the white, male, Presidents in our history relied on "Black Cabinets", made up, originally, by Black Christian Preachers; who were the "Sondekommandos" for Blacks in this country.  Today, the FBP cannot get away with that trick!.  A carefully "vetted" mixed-race-and-class "Cabinet" might work?  Be careful to eliminate the likes of Oprah, Toure, Clarence Thomas ...,  you can add to this list the names of those non-whites (include "Hispanics") who work against the safe, secure, and prosperous future this nation deserves!!

Stay Vigilant!  Become as "race-aware" and those Black Leaders who emerged in the wake of World-War-I??  Mourning Joe hosts  white enemies of our future??  Learn the difference between "Hate: and "Indifference??  Did Ferguson return Lynching from the 20th Century??

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the WORLD in a "Pregnant (and "Greedy"?) PAUSE??

As we awaken to the news that the U.K.; USA; Russia; Israel and the Middle East; and the various
Islamic Estremist Groups are now in an "in-between" place; the rest of us can ponder our chances of escaping a return to the Horrors of the 20th Century?  In what has to be the best of his work, Burns is unfolding for us the History, (most if it formerly hidden), of our sorry politics, from the days of William Howard  Taft, to FDR.  The Roosevelts series permits me to see intimate details of the events that shaped my Mother's life.  She died a few months after FDR, in 1945, at the age of 37.  She was born in 1908, before Taft took office in 1909.  She was a college graduate (1929) and well aware of just about everything!

Our sorry planet is waltzing to the same tunes played during that era: The FED;, Third Parties; "Grid-Locked Congress"; WAR; and the League of Nations.  Dominant in the first ten years of her life were Teddy Roosevelt and that arch-Racist, Woodrow Wilson.

For now, we're in a PAUSE; the music has stopped, temporarily.  Our Do-Nothing Congress, has tossed the WAR-Ball into Obama's lap, and skipped town to repair damages before the November election.  London has seen the "cup passed away"; so, I guess its back to "Greed" and Screwing Everybody, again!  Money Boys in the US, seem prepared to Double Down in their attempt to "take over".  (Review what FDR had to say about this vile bunch!  His "nemesis" was the Sewer State Politician; as it is today for the FBP!!)  This time, with our malignant Propaganda Machine posing as a News Media, in full force, the stupid public will likely follow the examples of the German voters in the 1930s??

Make no mistake in understanding that the World has returned to the CRUSADES; that the witless "W" proclaimed; following 9/11!!  Will the outcome be the same?  The original CRUSADES, begun by Christians, ended only when Both Sides Ran Out of Blood!  Is our 21st Century headed for the same?

Stay Vigilant!  YOUR CHOICE!;  in November!  Check out the political finesse of Franklin and Eleanor, when they saved our country from its wretched conditions brought on 1n 1929, by the GREEDY B*st*rds on Wall Street!

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Thursday, September 18, 2014

"NO"!! to all TYRANNIES?? Of Race, Religion, Color, Class, Wealth, Borders, Family, and Language??

From Conquistadors; to Crowned Heads; to Organized Crime?

When will Capitalists see "Monopoly" as the tyranny that is has become in 2014??
Now that "Big Money" has devoured the smaller money within the United States and around the world, the top 1% are busy "devouring each other".  'Predictable', you might say, buy WHY in Hell are you encouraging them and voting their interests??

Today, we learn that Scotland may get free of the yoke of the British Crown.  The High and Mighty are promising Heaven and Earth to the Scots, if they will just "take this cup away".  We'll see the results tonight.

From the Conquistadors, aided and abetted by early Catholics; to the metastasized evils that have flowed from their activities over half a millennium, this planet is reeling under a massive up-welling of peoples yearning to be free from oppression of many stripes.  Those who have taken "too much" will strive, too late, to make amends; but they're really begging for a chance to readjust the restraints on the poor, black, other non-white, lower class, or otherwise "lesser" people they have been "screwing".

The future for the tyrants of all types is not bright, to say the least.  Neither is the future for those, in Corporate America, who, like, the NFL, lay claim to "Invincibility".  The people are sick and tired of being "systematically screwed" by those in control.  Firepower is proving to be helpless against this tide.  These ideas, sentiments, understandings, are glacially slow in coming, but inevitable in their ultimate outcome.  The sooner these tyrants abdicate their claims, the less likely there will be incredible bloodshed.  BULLETS will NOT kill IDEAS!!  Got that, Vladimir??

Stay Vigilant!  Those from the Sewer States in our Congress who want more U.S. "Blood and Treasure" spilled in the Middle East to sustain Israel's dreams of Supremacy over the non-Jews, are  as WRONG now; as they were when they went "gung-ho" in support of Cheney/Bush, more than a decade ago.

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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

GOODELL: the (Ultimate?) "OMNIPOTENT - Administrator"??

Must the "Sponsors" PAY for this??

Chapter Four of my 1972 Master's Thesis in Public Administration (University of New Mexico), is entitled: The Omnipotent Administrator,  and opens:

1.  Introduction
"In Soul On Ice, pg 179,  Eldridge Cleaver separates American males into two broad categories: the omnipotent administrator and the supermasculine menial.(1)  The omnipotent administrator is characterized as a thinker; a member of an elite who occupies the apex of society and harbors a  built-in bias which tends to perpetuate the social system.  The supermasculine menial is characterized as a doer, an inferior who is alienated from his mind; whose administrative component of personality is suppressed and denied expression.  In a black/white context, the white performs the omnipotent administrator function and the black performs the function of the supermasculine menial in American Society."

Any citizen of the United States, who read and understood this in 1972, could recognize, immediately, what our malignant White-Right-Wing has been up-to, regarding  President Obama, since the day he was elected!  But, after more than thirty years of "running their "race-game", aka "White Backlash" to counter Civil Rights (in Public Schools, and the Supreme Court, especially). we've been "mind-effed" into the sorry mental and emotional state we find ourselves as a nation today.  The NFL, as their sponsors claim, is now "Invincible"??  We, who pay the money for their "game" might have other ideas about that!!

Published in 1968, after Martin King's Assissination (with Bobby, the total package of 4 dead leaders involved in racial change?), Soul on Ice  is,  many ways,  a "crystal ball", revealing what REALLY went on inside that elevator (the video that everybody so deliciously watches over, and over)!  Read what Eldridge writes in the chapter entitled:  The Allegory of the Black Eunuchs, when the Accused is asked: "Have you ever hit a black woman?"

It's clear the NFL and Goodell, have no clue of the "depths" they've plunged; with their PR and MEDIA-hype tricks!!

Stay Vigilant!  This is STILL OUR COUNTRY, (until NOVEMBER)??

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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

(ebola): "FOURTH HORSEMAN"??

'Apocalypse" in stages?

Whatever your religion, you must know that "apocalypse" can occur at anytime, and in widely varying circumstances.  At home, the "Katzenjammers" (Senators McCain & Graham) have been banging the drums for WAR, the Second Horseman.  The First Horseman, Romney, according to Mormon belief, appeared along with other "also-rans"  in 2012.   They have built the massive  economic and racial Mess that has beset our Country since the rise of "Cheney-Bush" in 2000. http://www.gotquestions.org/four-horsemen-apocalypse.html

The Fourth Horseman; PLAGUE, first sprang on us in Africa in the early 1980s.  At that time, both the United States and the Soviet Union were deeply involved in Germ Warfare.  It is back again, this time in the form of Ebola.  We know the devastation of AIDS, as the politicians played their Hard Right games, assisting the spread and devastation of that disease.  President Obama is stepping forward and committing the United States to lead in the containment and extinction of the Ebola threat before it becomes a world-wide problem.  Will the Hard Right cooperate?  I'm not holding my breath in anticipation.

In 1960, I lived and worked at the U.S. Public Health Service Hospital in San Francisco.  In my classes at San Francisco State, we studied the cases in Eleven Blue Men.,  a collection of stories about  epidemics in the United States (all of them "bacterial" or "chemical").  Our knowledge of Viruses was very limited in those days.   I met an official from Ghana, who was sent by his government to learn Public Health Administration in that country, recently liberated from the grip of Colonialism.  The track record of successive Western Governments, including the United States, can be traced to today's horrific threats of Plague in that part of our planet.  Hopefully, the United States is not "a day too late, and too many dollars, short!!

When public health issues, become EPIDEMIC, it can take "military" measures to get things under control, save lives, and prevent further contagion.

Stay Vigilant!  Continuing our current Right-Wing Madness that encourages  racist, religious, radical, politics spreading into our RED states is courting a wider Apocalypse!!  Those who think that "social distance", and race, can save them from the impact of epidemics -- are sadly mistaken!!

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EU/UK: "Rock" the VOTE?, or "rock the UK -- and the Planet"??

Is Grandma in London heading for the Unemployment Line?

White Americans should "pull their heads out" of their dark comfort zone, and "smell"  REALITY!!
It does exist, outside of the T.V crap they'e addicted to.  The Head of CBS was on this morning, declaring that the NFL is "invincible".  If the Queen is "concerned"; don't you think the NFL might take note??

Three events this week; the Scotland Vote, the Ali Baba IPO, and the Fed's decision on Rate Hikes; will determine where our money and our lives go from here??  Even Putin is worried about his exposure to the long border he shares with China.  Then, you might ask, why in HELL is he tormenting Europe?  That's where the Money and the Power IS! ;  for now!

Stay Vigilant!  Worry about the Scum in our Congress, and Corporation  that has a CHOKE-HOLD on the future of the United States??  Will YOU be smart enough to vote them out of  our politics in November??

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Monday, September 15, 2014


What does all of this "Mirror"??

Up-scale, white women get free to discuss their hidden-from-MEDIA "domestic violence"; at the expense of a single black woman, who has been  stripped, in the process, of all her hopes and aspirations, .  A sudden out-pouring of fake "concern" for the safety and well-being of black children, was nowhere to be heard, from whites for Michael Brown, or Trayvon?  Their first inclinations are to "explain" or "cover" for the perpetrators of deadly violence against  children!  To understand the NFL behavior and tactics in the matter for both Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson, I suggest reading, first, Kyle Onstott's Mandingo .  You will see how the Cracker Mind-Set ,and the Southern Black Mind-Set converge to show the "guts" of organized Sport  In the United States in  2014!  With such HUGE sums of money involved in their
"system", the rot feeds on itself?

With five "headstrong boys"  to raise, without a Mother, my father added his own twist to our "whuppins".  We had to climb the tree, and pick the limbs before we were beaten, naked, until we bled!  That was the secret to keeping black boys alive in the 1940s, and 50s in Segregated USA!
He had to work, and could not follow us around.   We had to obey his rules, that made no sense to us!  How do you get a child to understand that any Cracker could, and cheerfully would, kill them for sport?  Fear of being caught breaking his rules was the answer!

"Parenting" is precisely what the NFL is practicing over its 70% black players!  It is capricious, and cruel.   We have a hideous plantation; 21st century style.  The chattering, judgmental white talking heads in the Media have "no clue about" the subject they're clamorously "deliberating"!!  This sad saga "mirrors" the streak of "Genocide" that has always been there for Black and Native Children.  It persists today, in many ways, in many white "institutions" -- most notably, "Public Education".  As Jesus said: "forgive them, they know not ..."

Its especially true for the non-white Millennial who have experienced the past decades of "education" at the hands of people who teach them to despise their parents and the circumstances of their birth.  It is sad to hear them "mouth-off'"  the same drivel that comes from whites.

What do we have today?  Black males who raise each other in the streets of this country; often gunning each other down, while white America pays little or no attention -- except to spout political points for the Extreme Right!

Stay Vigilant!  Whites didn't produce the children, yet they are constantly devising ways to make their horrible circumstance of birth, impossible to overcome!  We have to call that what it mirrors: Genocide! -- for profit!!

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EU: the "White-Man's" ARAB-SPRING??

London runs "Scared"??

This week, Scotland votes on whether they WILL join the global trend of "breaking-up" long-standing relationships.  Not that the EU has been around that long, but, the "white-man's-pact" as to how the non-white, and lesser whites on this planet should be "handled" is coming under attack by countless groups of non-whites who are learning how to get up off their knees.  Fascism, Eugenics,  and Social-Darwinism originated in Europe; and have been infused into both Protestant and Catholic Religions, as well as just about every "Institution" or "Foundation" devised by those who "control" the world today..  Non-whites, and "defective" whites are their long-standing victims.

Having exported their "lesser-intellect", over hundreds of years, to the Americas; Europe now has to deal with the "blow-back" from their collective actions, as those activities have infected our planet.  The consequences of the Scotland vote will be felt by everyone on this "troubled" Blue Planet.

Israel, is a casualty of their own excesses, it seems, as their "over-reach" in Gaza and their Distrust of Obama (stoked by their new-found buddies in the Sewer States), puts them further into a hole.  Just in case you are one of those people who worry about "Antisemitism" charges when you say anything about Israel; learn the details of the "Sonderkommandos" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonderkommando.  Don't fall prey to the mass hysteria in our Media.

To understand Putin's role in all of this, don't listen to anyone below the age of 50, whose "world-view" doesn't extend beyond their diaper days; or over 50, if they, like Kissinger, keep pushing the same old mind-sets of the past several hundred years (FOX, WSJ, Andrea Mitchell?).  WE ARE NOT A THEOCRACY!!  Israel IS!

Get to know the works of former National Security Advisor,  Brzezinski;   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zbigniew_Brzezinski would be a good source.

Stay Vigilant!  Crawl out of your racial, religious, and regional "Foxhole" and learn what you need to know about YOUR world!  You just might save your OWN ass!; -- and your COUNTRY??

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Sunday, September 14, 2014

KISSINGER ?? : (whose) "WORLD"?? ; (whose) "ORDER"??

Our, New, Type-E-World?
(where "whites" invade any non-white relationship?)

At a time in human existence, when, not only is "A House, NOT a Home"; but "Relationships" are more often DEVOID of any meaning; the "Dreaded HEN-ER_rY", from our generation, returns to the scene!  Unlike the "Henery" of Old, who beheaded wives in London, this adviser to both Nixon and Putin; and everyone else, who wuold listen (and Pay), springs back on the world scene (with a new "book", of course) to fill the void caused by the incredible SILENCE,  of Netanyahu??

Both Kissinger and Netanyahu appear to share their sentiments toward our FBP!  Did "Sterling" rip the cover off their true racial animus?  Will organized sports be able to "contain" that damage?  The "Puddin-head" nature of the Black Southern Mind-Set may be beyond the control of even the mega-empire of Organized Sport?

This country has been on Henry's road since his days of BOTH National Security Adviser and Secretary of State to the Dreaded NIXON.  The world has PAID dearly, as a result: from Vietnam to Iraq and Cheney'W".

From my vantage point, assigned in 1962 to the NSA as an Officer in the United States Air Force, the view has been startling and consistent.  Then, the Military was in the throes of dealing with Truman's Executive Order to "Integrate".  Power for Foreign Affairs rested in the Executive Branch and the State Department.  Nixon, the most Racist of our Presidents (perhaps after Woodrow Wilson) was driven by skin color; more than anything else, in his Foreign and Domestic Policies:  Protect White Privilege at all costs.  Kissinger was the perfect Machiavellian "enabler" (Moynihan contributed his "bit").  But while I served in the Washington D.C. area, events in the State Department (and the C.I.A) trumped anything going on in the Defense Department (remember Kennedy's difficulties with Lemay and other, lesser known Generals, during the Cuban Missile Crisis)  Since that time, we've moved from State to Defense and back, with our "intelligence" disastrously impaired as aresult!  Our "Military" has moved from All-Volunteer- to "Soldiers of Fortune"; and maybe, so has "Journalism?.

Failing to heed FDRs warnings against it; Churchill and our racist State Department plunged head-long back into the direction of Colonialism for the World.  All of our disasters, inside both Defense and State, as well as the White House, have followed in that wake.  From Nixon, to Reagan, to Cheney/"W"; our policies have been consistently "Hell-bent" on "getting it right"; to restore White Supremacy in the World!  Both the United States, and now, Europe, have fared poorly as a result!

Our Domestic Politics have grown steadily more rigid, as our country's "politics: have separated along color lines: leading us to Ferguson, Mo.! Having grown up in Missouri, I remember vividly, when Jews were forced to live on the "black-side" of the Tracks.  They may, or may not have come a long way since; in their zeal to become accepted as "white",   Recent events like the Anti-Semite killing at the Synagogue on the Missouri/Kansas border shows that sentiment in that region toward Jews has changed very little over time; in spite of the "charms" of Netanyahu!  He has steady worked to woo Cheney-and-theBushes, while undermining both Clinton and Obama.

Stay Vigilant!  The Media is too busy trying to clean its own diapers to "inform" anybody!!  You have to, as Goldie Taylor intimated, rely on your ability to "smell" these activities??  In the end, will we ALL come together as KOCH??

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Saturday, September 13, 2014


Getting Beyond the Black, Southern "Puddn'Head"??

We return, once again, to that Missourian, Mark Twain, who armed the white male with all he needed to "succeed" in the White-privilege-country the Founders designed for the United States:  Do whatever, but NEVER "get-caught"!!!  

Our NFL "genius" is learning what Nixon found to his peril:  Every once in a while, even white folk "Wake-Up"!!  Down that 'sewwy-hole' today is flowing the likes of Christie, Perry, and, hopefully, the cracker-cop "executioners" in Missouri, Ohio, and New York.  The list is growing.  The Attorney General of Ohio is joining the fray by refusing to recuse himself, while, slectively,  blocking release of evidence to the public -- in order to protect the white "citizen" who "sic-'d the murdering cops on the black shopper they gunned down in Wal-Mart. He is also protecting the murdering white cops!   White guys and their "systems", Gettin' Caught' ; just might become a cottage industry in these last 2 years of "Obama".  God help us All"  -  if Hillary and Bill get their hands on this country in 2016!

Stay Vigilant!  Lies  and schemes don't "Live" forever.  Consider "Iran-Contra" , re-awakened  as those "children of Ollie North" appearing on our Southern Border??  Can El Salvador, Nicaraugua, Guatemala and Mexico ever "get fixed" from the Cracker Meddling of the past 34 years??

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Why do "THEY" hate "US" ??

A Spreading, and "Universal" Question??

It tumbles, readily, off the lips of many (mostly white, of late?) "Talking Heads in today's MEDIA.

It would seem, to anybody with some THINKING capability, the the ANSWER to this question DEPENDS on who is asking it; who they think "WE" are; and who they think "THEY" are!!

Very few people THINK! in this MEDIA age of Mass Propaganda, disguised as NEWS!
In an AGE touted for "Communication"; there seems to be much more "sending" than "receiving", and little or NO concern for UNDERSTANDING.  We live in a world of MOUTHS, without EARS, or BRAINS.  And, then there is the VIDEO; considered to "say it all' when it actually is just another, much more powerful MOUTH, spewing MISUNDERSTANDING with wider dimensions.

This question may be asked from the vantage points of Religion, National Origin, Economic Status, Skin Color, Language Spoken, "Culture"; ... the list of "identifiers" seems endless.  Ever since Nixon devised the Census BOXES for identifying all citizens of the United States by race and ethnicity, the country has been locked in an intractable spiral of social "death", in which past experiences and values have little or no import.  "Being" is everything;  while "relationships" are as fleeting,  ubiquitous, and meaningless, as a "click" on a computer "mouse"!

Stay Vigilant!  We may ALL be "down this rabbit-hole", with no means by which to regain our sanity?

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Thursday, September 11, 2014

"FOUR FREEDOMS" Where Did We Go Wrong?

From the Roosevelts to the "Bushes"

Out of a need to observe my memories for the actual day of 9/11; for me; (where I was, and how I learned of the day's events); and for my "personal" 9/9, (that took place on that fateful Sunday in 1945), I didn't want to Post today.  But then, South Africa, intervened;  with the Pistorious Decision!


From Ferguson, MO, to Pretoria, "Justice" has severe difficulty "crossing"  Color Lines.  That is true in most Western Court Rooms (no matter the Color of the Judge); or, our Supreme Court, where "papa Bush installed the greatest example of Judicial Incompetence, and questionable ethics, this nation has known!   From a natural right to defend one's -Self", to "Truth and Reconciliation"; the psychology of 
Race  and Skin Color betrays a deeply corrupting influence.  Persons of Color are routinely denied Justice, and they seem incapable of demanding it ,effectively, when someone with a white skin is involved; in any way!  Why is that?  Why is the entire World NOT troubled by this obvious trait??  Is it due to a need for the white side of the line to possess all of the levers of Power and  FEAR over the other?  FEAR lies at the core of Religions, and, at the core of WAR!  FDR told us that we have nothing to FEAR, but "FEAR ITSELF"!!  Whites "freak, and lash-out" at any thing that makes them AFRAID; but, simultaneously, DEMAND that others FEAR THEM!.  Whites say they're  "fearful" that the FBP is not "FEARED" in a way that a President of the United States should be  (in their demented minds) .

Three States in the U.S.:  Missouri, Texas, and Florida, account for the largest numbers of Death Penalty social killings!  Studies need to be commissioned, to  reveal for us all, the percentages of persons of color put to death in those States, the "Politicians" who benefited from those executions; and the percentage of persons of color awaiting executions in those States.  All of them are bastions of historic White Supremacy, and Ku Klux Klan pasts (deeply "Christian" in their Religions, of course). These States REFUSE to let go of their traditions and hunger for Deaths of this kind!

Stay Vigilant!  Do we want to continue to allow people who support this kind of activity, and of this peculiar Mind-Set, to Lead Us!  When will  People of Color begin to Believe in their Right to be FREE from FEAR??

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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

from: "Citizens" to their CONGRESS : "PUT-UP; or, 'SHUT-UP" !!


Dare we call it a "Civilized" Society; wherein those who INSIST on CONTROL, take NO Responsibility for the consequences of their actions??

Our Congress, controlled by agents of Cheney/Bush, received a "Pep-Talk" from Cheney, today, in advance of President Obama's speech to the Nation, and the World, regarding the current status of our Mess in the Middle East, and his Plan for remedying it.  Such Craven Chicken-sh*t, ads we saw displayed today in the Media; prior to. and after, the Speech, is enough to make every Soul who ever fought for this Country CRINGE!!  What Evil forces produce such people?

I fail to see how a Business, a Country, or an Economy can FUNCTION with such people in a positions of Leadership!  It's clear for all to see what that demented pair accomplished, when they saw the opportunity to enlarge their power by setting in motion, a 21st Century "Crusade"  in the Middle East!

The blood hatreds unleashed by their actions were thousands of years in the making; yet they expect this President to "fix" their "f*ck-up", in a single speech?  It is a true miracle that he has accomplished these many repairs of their wreckage on our National Economy.  The 70% of the electorate who, like them, want a clean, quick, "fix"; while they go on pretending that nothing bad ever happened, are FOOLS of the first order.  Remember, we were shielded from the ugly details of Abu-Ghraib:  THEY WERE NOT!

Stay Vigilant!  Tell Your Friends; Pray to whatever GOD works for you; we're in for a long, painful, and costly time ahead.

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REPOOBS return to "KKK-Past"??

 When Self-Deception, "PR" and MEDIA-hype, "fail"!!

One hundred years ago, when Woodrow Wilson brought "Progressive Racism" to the North; according to the National Review, http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/345274/progressive-racism-paul-rahe
our country entered a period, then, when the REAL Political Party was the KKK! It operated sorta-like the Baath Party in Iraq? It was propped up by the Italian Mob and their "vassal"; J. Edgar Hoover.  Hoover was in full power when he later linked up with LBJ, and Richard Nixon.  In the interim, Eisenhower placed Federal Troops in Arkansas, as the Civil Rights Juggernaut began take effect.  After Hoover's death, (and Nixon's Resignation), we got the racism of Reagan (Welfare Queen), followed by the Racism of the "Bushes" (Atwater and Karl Rove). 

Our new hi-tech Media has brought us PROPAGANDA on steroids!  Knowing that nobody reads books or, researches our History, anymore, the T.V. and Print Media (notably Murdoch's WSJ "Poll" this morning onObama's Popularity Ratings) have done a masterful job of waltzing Obama into just about any "corner" they choose.  The're quite "cocky" that white voters will give them what they want in November.

Our heads spin with rapid-fire Media events that have been thrown at us in the past few months:
1.  Murder of non-whites by Cop (NYC and Fersuson); 2.  NFL "PR" implosion, when they read "black greed" wrong and got caught in their obvious lies; 3.  Murder of non-whites by "Average (white) American "standing his ground";  4.  The slick construction of our "Justice" system, wherein white offenders are exonerated in the MEDIA before Indictment, or Trial, has never been easier to implement!!  Got the Picture?  Slam-Dunk, as our "Intelligence" Wizards under Chney/Bush loved to say.

Looks like the Old Race "Ball" will "roll", well into the 21st Century; both at home and abroad; as  Corporate Driven,  Extreme Right Factions seek total control of our Foreign and Domestic Policy for the United States.  If you didn't like the outcome of the Cheney/Bush years (2000-2008); you ain't seen nuthin' yet!

Stay Vigilant!  Tonight's speech to the Nation by President Obama may "seal the deal" as we "progress" from here.  Ignorance, and lack of personal intelligence;  (stupid people), fuel the fires for MOBS!  All of this provides Perfect "Cover" for PUTIN!

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Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Republican "Stand" ?

Boehner and McConnel came before the Media today to essentially announce that ISIS and Putin are Obama's Problem!  They left open a possibility that they might fund a "strategy" if the President presents one to their liking tomorrow night.  What we have here, folks, is a declaration by the "People's Representatives" that they don't feel any need to respond to the  needs, or desires, of the People they Represent!  In other words, a Mutiny?  They did this in the face of overwhelming public desire for gun control; health care reform; and, so far, immigration reform.  Tax reform is needed, but not on the radar of either party in Congress. With Senator Inhofe adding his chorus, the Republican Party, less than 60 days before the Mid-Term Election, seem "disengaged" from any responsibility to help the President, or the people of this country to reach consensus in the face of the most complex problems we've faced from abroad since World War II.  The President is being cast adrift, left on his own; to come up with a strategy to meet their "approval".  Our System was not designed to work like that!  They promise an AUMF (Authorization to Use Military Force) in lieu of their Constitutional Obligation to declare War.  This absolves them of any involvement, while allowing them to criticize anything, or everything!  Who are the M.F.'s here??

The Founders foresaw the possibility that some Faction might arise with the power to stymie the Congress, but it put in safeguards.  The Minority Party can be used in the coming election to remove the mutinous party.  The minority party can be made certain to face the same fate if they don't solve the nation's problems within 2 Years!

Stay Vigilant!  The People are NOT Helpless, in the face of these tactics.

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What ALL BLACKS need to KNOW about "SPORTS"!! The "Key" to the "Madness" of Race, Today??

White "Operatives" Scramble to Protect their Interests?

The crisis in our White MEDIA over the black athlete who k.o.'d his companion in the elevator, (run open-loop for all to see -- because they're Black, and that's what WHITE MEDIA "does"?)  There, before our eyes, is everything we ALL need to really SEE; but, the Propaganda Machine is hell-bent on their multiple "spins" on this story.  First concern is for the "Owners" of the blacks, and then,  the Managers for the League, and last, the white Coaches (who "owned" the black players when this racket began in the late 1950s) -- review the story of Kareem Jabbar! (earlier blog).

We may be experiencing the end of a very ugly, deadly, and expensive cycle of crimes,that have further destroyed the futures for black males, from birth, and corrupted everything it has touched; from their unfortunate black mothers, to our proud, and world-class, Institutes of Higher Learning!  We may be too deep in the sh*t by now to SAVE anybody!!

I lost my love of competitive sports in the late 1950's, when whites realized there was "gold" in the move to "Integrate" college sports.  I've watched the steady decline in both basketball and football as the "machines" formed, improved their "games", and produced this monster syndrome that has depleted the quality of  life; and most decency, from all of the citizens of this country.  White males, whom this allows to participate in the centuries-old "fantasy" of "owning" blacks, may be in the worst shape, psychologically.  There are no INNOCENT participants in this game; from the Leaders of Academia, to the black and brown kids who, left out of the game entirely, shoot each other down like Dogs in the Streets of this Country.

In the early 1980s, I had a conversation on race  with a young teen-aged Spaniard who came to live with us as an Exchange Student (he read my 1972 Master's Thesis).  After earlier conversations where I learned from him why the Spaniard HATES the French, I asked which Europeans he thought to be the most anti-Black.  He didn't hesitate in pointing to the BRITISH.  Raised in a family that consorted with King Juan Carlos; this kid was in a position to know what he was talking about!

It is the FRENCH, however, that Blacks in the United States (and the rest of the Americas, for that matter) to learn the intricate details of the mechanism by which the European brand of racism is perpetuated, and why it will not change much.  THE ECONOMICS are immutable!   Read Montesquieu, and de Tocqueville!!  Both Blacks and Natives will understand the bludgeon used to keep them and their descendants in perpetual misery, until DEATH!  "Christianity" is the "medicine" that makes the poison go down!  The Natives have avoided much of the fate planned for them, by interbreeding with Blacks and Whites (source of Hispanics and varieties of "Mestizo's").  Even "Creole" Hispanics can't be sure about the dreaded "one-drop"; after all these hundreds of years!  All Cubans share the "Batista" curse, and the need for the tin of white powder.  Still they set themselves apart from other "Hispanics" in the United States; while serving as "handmaidens" for extreme Right Republicans.

Stay Vigilant!  Shake some of this "salt" on your thinking when you contemplate: Justice; Freedom; Immigration; Women's Lib; or, whatever else "rows your boat"!

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Monday, September 8, 2014

is "RED" the New "WHITE"?? 'How Many "Decent' WHITES will remain"BLUE"??

"Full-Court "Press" to save White Supremacy?
What do they have Planned for Obama?

This week starts off with "Mourning Joe" and Mika in a "tear"!  RACE is a text or sub-text of just about all of their "stories" this morning.  Mika finds "Off-Color" "hysterical"; another racist Jew who owns blacks in professional sports is "outed" (self-induced, this time, in a run for the "gold"?); the NBA will kiss the ass of this one, however,  for helping them to keep their Black Players comfortably quiet? 

The are hyping "Denzel" to become the first Black James Bond??  Blacks don't need no Damn James Bond!  They have too many problems with the White One!  The Royals are rolling out more babies to be "worshiped" by "lesser whites", and stupid non-whites, world-wide!  Of course, ISIS, is steadily hyped in white MEDIA, as more dangerous than Putin?  What the HELL are they using for brains??

Christie has returned from a "Foreign Policy" trip to Mexico!  (Not Canada?? Wonder Why?)  Could it be that he went to share the Aversion-to-Blacks; shared by Italians in the U.S.??  They have that in common with the historic Aversion-to Blacks taught to Mexicans by Catholics;  (and to the entire non-white world; for that matter).  

The Character Assassination of President Obama continues full-tilt, throughout the White Media (T.V. Print, and Radio).  The FBP is starting to look like FDR just before he died.  I hope Michelle is paying attention to her husband's health!  Our Fascist Right barely escaped getting caught for using bullets to kill the last President they hated as much as they hate Obama.  If Obama hangs on (he's young enough), they are probably planning to Impeach him; after they "win" the Senate;  and drive him out of office before 2016.

Cracker Voters will make that possible, it seems.  They won't rest until either VOODOO DEATH sets in, or his popularity (poll numbers) joins theirs; in the SEWER!  They are confident, however that white citizens are racist enough to give them what they want!

Stay Vigilant!  If the United States survives as a nation, people with intellect, and courage, of all COLORS, will have to unite to  make it happen!  Cynicism and Racism can collapse great Nations!

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Sunday, September 7, 2014

"Dedicated", (and focused?) "EVIL" vs 'CRABS-IN-A-BUCKET" ??"

"America's 21st Century 'Dilemma" " ???
From the days when the Conquistadors "slaughtered" their way across the Continents of the Americas; to 2014, when Putin seeks to do the same; across Europe; the old paradigm of 
Race, driven by Religion, and the brutality that required; created and enriched Western Culture.   It may now be "worn out"?? 

The British and French model; for that territory beginning with Texas and points North, vs. the Spanish and Catholic model for Mexico, Central, and South America; embrace two distinct racial and religious models.  Both; Catholic and Protestant Religions (the inventor and implementers of all aspects of Racism) and the Racial Models embraced by both sides of the North/South divide, started coming apart when Toussaint's' Revolt kicked the asses of Napoleon's French Troops in Haiti (while our Founders were still alive), and culminated with our invasion of Mexico in the run-up to our Civil War, mid-century.  Both sides of that divide engaged in slaughtering, or otherwise "disapearing" thousands of tribes of "Natives" who inhabited these lands before Whites arrived in mass numbers.

Let's go back almost 200 years, to 1830, when Alexis de Tocqueville wrote about the "Democracy" he found in the United States.  In the chapter entitled: The  Three  Races That Inhabit the United States,  he observes:

For Republican forms of government in the New World, where trading and commercial activity prevailed; he hazarded no "conjecture" as to the "permanence" of "such a Union".
Republican forms of government are NOT "Democratic".
The "men" scattered over the Union he found in the United States were NOT, as in Europe, "shoots of the same stock".
"It is obvious that there are three naturally distinct, one might almost say hostile, races.
Education, law, origin, and external features have raised almost insurmountable barriers between them; chance has brought them together on the same soil, but they have mixed without combining."

After more than 200 years in existence; The United States has changed very little in this regard, while our State Department "Geniuses" have exported this poison to the PLANET!  Chickens are coming home to roost, both here and in Europe, and the "Finger Pointing" is rampant!

My list of evil actors:  Putin; Republicans in the United States Congress; Netanyahu; ISIS,  ALL "Extremist" Religious Actors among Christians,  Moslems, and Jews; Dedicated Racists in Congress and Financial Markets, who have diligently worked to undermine "Justice" in our legal systems (how do you spell Orin Hatch?);  All others are, mostly,  "victims"; and range from Black, Hispanic, and Native Children, who are, in 2014, hunted down and destroyed; to young-adult males; from South Dakota to Ferguson, MO,  The destroyed children have mostly their parents to blame; for failing to protect them.  Other "Crabs" know who you are; starting with the Democrat Party!: "Crabs" cannot, or will not UNITE; even in the face of incredible HUMAN EVIL!  To expect a hapless, overly-idealistic young half-black man to work "miracles" (against Two Popes working in "Opposition"??) and well-funded Corporate Interests who have abandoned their allegiance to the United States; is INCREDIBLY STUPID!  Are we become a Whining, Greedy, Un-principled, and Scared "Sh*tless,, group of CHILDREN!; in search of a "Savior" Tit!

Stay Vigilant!  If you have an I.Q above 50, you will recognize the TRUTH in this diagnosis!

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Saturday, September 6, 2014

"BLANCO" : "negro" : "INDIO" ?? The "Curse from the CAVE"??

Is OBAMA showing the WORLD, the "Way" Forward??

Having painstakingly, over the past six years, shown the entire world how they "really feel"; the white male of the Americas may have rendered himself IRRELEVANT?  The FBP traveled to Europe (the path of retreat taken by our wealthy and "Enlightened" White Males; following our Civil War) to find and communicate with the few remaining White Males on this planet with some Common Sense!!  Looks like he made a bit of headway!

The likes of Boehner, and female sidekicks, like Palin and Bachmann (many others); have "shot their wad".  McCain has set himself "twisting in the wind", why struggling to get a foot-hold and
prove that "M-Y-Y  W-A-AY!!" will work!.  NOT!!

It seems that ISIS has kicked Rand Paul "to-the-curb"; along with his fellow scared; little-white-boy; and Greedy: "Libertarian"chicken-sh*ts!  We're Left with the Nazi (Cruz), the Sewer-Head (Graham) and the Texas Bully (Perry).  Such a Sorry Lot!

Looks like a White Female is Next??  Poor Hillary, she's stood close enough to Obama to effectively play Brutus, but, also close enough to realize that what comes after Obama in 2016 will be "horriffic" for this country.  The white male "gut" may be more "anti-female-in-power" than it is "anti- half/white male-in power"!  I don't see any females with the intellect or the maneuvering skills of Obama! 

We're fast returning to "1491" (read the book), and to the source of all of our woes:  The Catholic Church and the Conquistadors.  They wrote the book for the Americas, and now have TWO POPES working to try to keep their followers in check!  Mexico was the site of the first African Slavery in the Americas; and the place where the Catholics invented their "Blanco/Negro/Indio" Race Model for forming their Institutions and their governing style. Wars and Revolutions have ensued, and portend to come again!  That Religion (as is true for all of them known to Man) is the source of the EVIL!  The three-keyed "Raices" system of Latin America, is matched with the two-keyed Race system that has been carefully crafted into every major Institution utilized to oppress non-whites north, of the border with Mexico.
Sam Houston explained how to "translate" the two systems (Blend the Negro with the Indio).  The Texans used this method to screw the Tejano's during the era of the Alamo.

As Football Season starts in this one-hundredth year anniversary of World War I; we can all pause to watch as white Media (again) thinks they can banish the past of this nation by playing games with language.  A close look at how Mexicans, and Latinos in general, play the "Race Card" will reveal that the odd-man-out among them is the "Indio".  The discrimination, even within families, is blatant!
Before 1848, it was standard practice in the Southwest region to enslave Natives for life, as a "wedding present" to young Catholic Hispanics.

Stay Vigilant!  This Evil Monster Religions have saddled us all with must be extinguished by ALL of Us!!

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