The Hour is Late -- Time to "Waken"??
When my daughters were young teens, following a divorce wherein I was given their custody, I promised them that I would do everything I could to make SURE that they would not have to "spread their legs" in order to have a roof over their heads or food to eat! If only ALL fathers would do that, the world would have far fewer problems, socially, economically, racially, and in terms of gender. NOT EVEN ROYALS can, or will, make such a promise! Prostituting their daughters has been their time-worn practice for expanding wealth and power. We may not have had the Chattel Slave Trade in the Americas, were it not for Isabella of Spain! As a country that frees its citizens of the burdens of Royalty, the United States promises this freedom!
Women, of all colors and income classes, have had to "fend for themselves" on reaching puberty -- after being fed "fairy-tales" of Princes in their earlier years. The major Western nations are all guilty! But, that was then, what about now?
We're coming off almost 50 years of "experimenting" with gender freedoms in the United States; to very mixed results. Some of the new attitudes and practices have been beneficial for all females; most have NOT! Women of color are in dire straits today, except for the few who were selected to "assist" white women work their "issues". Males, of all colors and income classes have been "marginalized" in ways not yet addressed, that has produced dangerous "blowback"; especially for young, college-aged females from upper class families. There has never been any "meaningful" protections provided for very young females, of any color or class. Regionally, the spotty record of 50 years of gender unrest in this country verges on "disastrous" with celebrities, of all types, hogging all of the benefits.
The "politics" of all of this threatens even tougher times ahead for this country. We're, evidently, "past" the lessons learned from the experience of the First Black President. We're seeing all sorts of evidence of "disappointment" and "failed expectations". Some of that is due to the "Over-reach" and lies; implicit in the "hucksterism" of our politics. The bulk of it is due to the highly financed, and firmly entrenched, opposition to Race throughout all segments of our Governments, Regions, and Society' in general. Are we ready for the GENDER ROUND? It can be worse; because it will "snowball" race into the next phase of social change. No matter who wins, or loses, in 2016, these after-effects of our post-2008 experience will be present. Despite, how women respond at the polls, the next 16 years will be "rocky": socially, politically, economically, and in terms of public safety! Evidence of that is all around us. Religion will be the major vehicle of mayhem!
For time immemorial, women have set and maintained the social order. That's true today; in both tribal and "advanced" societies. The color issue, when blended in with Gender, will become the most explosive. Non-white women have been "short-changed" over the past several decades of the "Feminist Movement". They are coming upon a day when their re-assignment to "subservience" will become apparent; and they can no longer delude themselves!
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