Wednesday, June 25, 2014

BLACKS (southern): "SURPLUS" (still)??

The "Curse" Survives?

Kudos to Nina!!  Mississippi is "up a notch"; pulling itself above the dregs in social standing in our country?
It took a while; but the Mississippi version of "Alabama" takes a turn;  we can no longer "Damn" them all; at least for now.

The "surplus" character of this entire caper to "save" the Senate chances for Thad Cochran, is inescapable!
Throughout our history; when powerful whites get their asses in a "crack"; they turn to Blacks and other Marginalized non-whites to "save" them.  That's why whites, in all areas of the country, all income classes, and all political persuasions, work so hard to keep non-whites MARGINAL!  The tragedy is, that when they are FINALLY invited to the bargaining table, they prove to be poor at bargaining!  Whites, also, have no incentive to remain committed to any "deal" they make.  Bubba Clinton knows this, Jeb of the Bush(s) knows it; (he's teaching it to the Rubio-Clone with the Batista roots).  The Labor Movement; the Civil War; Reconstruction; King's Civil Rights Organization's Decisions; are all examples.  

Those Blacks who manage to get out of the Deep South, and also west of the Mississippi River for a significant period in their lives, are those who have even a slight chance of significantly improving their socioeconomic lives in this country.  Once away from the Hell Hole of their birth, they have to manage to rise beyond the "Mom & Pop" and "Massa" models of wealth recognition and formation.  Few Do!  Even those "selectees" chosen by rich Crackers to do their dirty work (Condi, Clarence, members of the Hoover Institution) operate from defective economic models for their personal lives and for marginalized non-whites, in general.

The results show that some white Democrats in Mississippi "get it", and are learning to work "with" people who are not-white to build serious competition for the Tea Party Mad Dogs!  Congress!  Are you taking notes?  We could save  this country, yet!

Stay Vigilant!  A glimpse of  ("Racism" :21st Century -- Global)??

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